Redefining Leadership for Improved Instructional Practice and Student Performance
OLAC Beliefs/Assumptions The purpose of leadership is the improvement of instructional practice and student performance, regardless of role; Ohio’s leadership system must be anchored in teaching and learning, focused on building community, and directed to ensuring the success of all children; and A common and collective understanding of essential practices or behaviors is needed to create a coherent leadership development system. A collaborative effort between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education
OLAC Goals Identify essential leadership skills/practices for superintendents, DLTs, BLTs Identify types of PD/support needed to help them acquire these skills, and how such PD could be deployed for universal access Identify tools or products needed to facilitate their development A collaborative effort between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education
Accomplishments Ohio’s Leadership Development Framework published OLAC web site restructured On-line performance assessment developed and available to all districts/schools at no cost Initial set of 9 modules developed and available to all districts/schools at no cost A collaborative effort between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education
Superintendent Standards & Evaluation System Delineates standards and research-based indicators for use in evaluating superintendent performance Provides opportunity for boards of education to re- examine roles and responsibilities of superintendents and facilitates clear communication about expectations Provides tool for continuous growth of superintendents Helps focus boards on what’s important in the performance of superintendents A collaborative effort between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education
Board Members Play Critical Role in: Developing and approving district goals Ensuring district goals for achievement and instruction remain primary focus of district efforts Engaging multiple constituencies to gain support for needed improvements and to sustain a focus on district goals Maintaining a student-centered focus and ensuring that improvement efforts are designed to ensure the success of every child
Iowa Association of School Boards Research Study Shows School Boards Make a Difference in Student Achievement School boards in high-achieving districts are significantly different in their knowledge, beliefs and actions than school boards in low-achieving districts.
The results show that school boards in districts with high student achievement: 1.Set a few clear goals. 2.Held themselves and district staff accountable for meeting the established goals. 3.Consistently expressed the belief that all students can learn and that the schools could teach all students.
The results show that school boards in districts with high student achievement: 4.Were far more knowledgeable about teaching and learning issues. 5.Used data regarding student needs to make decisions. 6.Created a supportive workplace for staff. 7.Involved their communities.
OLAC Supports the Use of Collaborative Leadership Team Structures for … A collaborative effort between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education Promoting shared learning and shared accountability Shifting focus from a single individual to a team that can function as purposeful communities Aligning and focusing work across the system using few district goals Designing system planning and focused improvement strategies, structures, and processes;
The OLAC-OIP Connection Ohio’s Leadership Development Framework provides a foundation for Ohio’s improvement process OIP is strategy for enacting the Ohio Leadership Development Framework
A collaborative effort between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education
Promote Coherence & Eliminate Fragmentation Recognize evident connection of district to all buildings Move AWAY FROM program ownership TO shared/collective ownership for improvement DLT-BLT offers parallel process for aligning and focusing the work
Leadership Development Framework A collaborative effort between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education Data & the Decision-Making Process Focused Goal Setting Process Instruction & the Learning Process Community Engagement Process Resource Management Process Board Development & (District/Building) Governance Process
A collaborative effort between the Buckeye Association of School Administrators and the Ohio Department of Education Assessment + PD OLAC Assessment Tool OLAC PD Modules
To learn more about OLAC, contact: Patricia Brenneman
CONSEQUENCES FOR SCHOOLS District Improvement Status YEAR FOUR: Continue to offer school choice and supplemental services. District takes corrective action, including one of the following: Institute new curriculum Decrease school management authority Appoint an outside expert Extend school year or day Replace the principal and/or other key staff Secure an external manager Close the building and reassign students Redesign the building