Reading and Math Enrichment
Six Minute Starter (6 min) Tell me about yourself in half a page, name at least three things interesting about yourself( hobbies, talents, ect.) When you get done, sit quietly and await instructions.
Expectations Please follow the routines set by the instructor. Please do not talk when the instructor/another student is talking. Please be on time-and in your seat- everyday before the bell rings. Please maintain a positive learning atmosphere.
Cellphone NO CELLPHONES, IPADS, IPODS, ect. Allowed in class!
Expectations 2 You will not just SUCCEED at this class, but reach MASTERY. You WILL have FUN and LEARN if you CHOOSE to.
Routines-beginning of class Please come in orderly and quietly before the bell rings and quietly get out materials.(Three- ring binder, pencils from cup) When the bell rings start on “six minute starter.” If you finish early, put the bell work in your binder and quietly read- please await further instructions.
Routines- during class Please raise your hand if you have a question about the assignment-do not blurt out (unless otherwise instructed). If you need to go to the restroom please put three fingers up- AND ONLY IF IT IS AN EMERGENCY! Only one person at the restroom at a time. If in groups, work TOGETHER with respect for one another.
Routines- during class PLEASE PARTICIPATE! I hate awkward silences…. A wrong answer is better than not trying.
Routines-end of class I dismiss you, the bell does not! Before leaving you must turn in an “exit ticket,” this will vary daily. I will only dismiss you if your area is cleaned up to my standard. Please remember to take all your belongings with you. Leave by WALKING out of the door quietly and orderly.
Routines-end of class You must keep all GRADED daily work/quizzes and tests in your class folder or binder. I will collect the folders on Friday and return them to you on Monday.
Consequences for breaking expectations/routines Will depend on the offense. I will give REMINDERS not WARNINGS. You want some examples of referrals? Thought so!
Mr. Schat’s Silent Second If the class gets too noisy, I will hold up one finger. That’s my sign I need silence.
A Little About Myself… I am 25 years old I graduated originally with a philosophy degree. I love music, especially my favorite group The Beatles. I love to read, my favorite book is The Great Gatsby. I have written two screenplays My favorite TV show is Doctor Who.
What will we be doing this year/grading? WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A GREAT YEAR! We will be reading short stories, a novel as a class, newspaper/magazine articles….and much more! We will be looking at the roots of words, and expand our vocabulary.
What will we be doing this year/grading? Looking into different styles, or genres of literacy. Not just print but audio and visual. Identifying and explaining literature devices, that tend to make writing good.. Looking at themes, or the main idea of different texts, across many genres.
What will we be doing this year/grading? Looking into what the author meant in his work. We will be reading and creating poetry- both in print and visually. We will be reviewing math concepts, and memorizing equations.
What will we be doing this year/grading? Grading? Refer to syllabus!
Directions Directions. Stand up behind your chair, carefully and quietly. We are individually going to say our name and something we like doing, with an action to show it. BE APPROPRIATE! THIS IS A PARTICIPATION GRADE! Directions Then after the scholar says their name, and hobby with their action. The class will together repeat their name and their hobby while doing the action. We will go through the entire class.
Exit Ticket On a 3X5 notecard write 3 different names of fellow scholars, and what one hobby of theirs is. (cannot be the person you interviewed.)
Reading/Math Enrichment Day 2 Six Minute Starter: How was your first day of Middle school? Name three things that surprised you about it. XGAIheSU Start at 39 seconds.
Go through Handbook/Handout Agenda Everyone get up, stand behind your seat. Jumping jack time! Stop reading the handbook every 10 minutes, and discuss.
Activity 2 (15 min) Name game if we didn’t. Interview the person across from you: Take turns being the one interviewed. Interviewer must take notes. Interview questions: 1)What are your five favorite movies/TV shows and why? 2)What are your five favorite musicians or songs and why? 3)Name two other activities that you like doing and why. 4)What are your favorite sports teams? 5)What are your five favorite restaurants/food items and why? 6)Come up with your own question.
Activity Time! (Friday) In your groups, design a poster with 3 original expectations that you think should be implemented for me. You have 20 minutes to complete it. After you are done we will share with the class. Materials- poster board, color pencils, markers.
Exit Ticket On a 3 X 5 Notecard Write 3 things they learned today.
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