A Comprehensive Principal Development Program for Minnesota Presentation to the BOSA Advisory Committee Friday, September 13, 2013
FOCUS ON WHAT IS POSSIBLE We have at our fingertips an infinite capacity to light a spark of possibility. Passion, rather than fear, is the igniting force. -Rosamund and Benjamin Zander
Welcome Janet Mohr, BOSA Executive Director
Opening Remarks Mary Mackbee, BOSA Board Chair
Who is in the room? Janet Mohr (possible intro protocol???) Select someone to interview Ask the following questions... Who are you? What inspires you to lead? Something many people do not know about you? You will each have the opportunity to introduce the person you interview.
The purpose of this work. Jean M. Haar, Ph. D., Dean, College of Education
Investing in Leadership Development Jerry Timian, St. Paul Foundation
Where we have been. -- Dr. Candace F. Raskin Chair, Department of Educational Leadership, Professor Chair of the Initial BOSA Workgroup In 2010 the BOSA formed a work group comprised of representation from the BOSA board, administrative licensing institutions and the Minnesota Department of Education.
Charge of the Workgroup...this work group was to review the research and examples of effective practices around principal preparation and prepare a report with recommendations to the BOSA board.
Findings The findings of this work group focused building a comprehensive program for Minnesota focusing on four critical areas of principal development found most consistent with leadership research and exemplary models used in other states. 1. Recruitment of Potential School Leaders 2. Pre-service Preparation Programs 3. Licensing and Certification 4. Continuing Professional Development
BOSA Workgroup Recommendations Recruitment of Potential School Leaders Recommendation: Create and initiate innovative recruitment programs to enhance the number and quality of candidates. Recommendation: Align the recruitment process with admission processes at accredited, pre-service program institutions.
BOSA Workgroup Recommendations BOSA Workgroup Recommendations Pre-service Preparation Programs Recommendation: Align ISLLC standards with the MN Principal competencies to provide a guide to review the preparation and professional practice for school leaders. Recommendation: Redesign pre-service preparation programs to provide skill development through authentic leadership experiences during the program of study. Recommendation: Monitor the current status of school leadership through BOSA to provide recommendations for policy changes that ensure sustainable quality leadership at all school levels.
BOSA Workgroup Recommendations BOSA Workgroup Recommendations Licensing and Certification Recommendation: Create performance-based tools to assess licensure candidates’ demonstration of state competencies. Recommendation: Create a tiered system for licensing that begins at entry level competency and moves toward exemplary demonstration of leadership ability.
BOSA Workgroup Recommendations BOSA Workgroup Recommendations Continuing Professional Development Recommendation: Provide structured continuous professional development aligned with a tiered licensing system for principals. Recommendation: Establish sustainable appropriations for funding from the state, private funding sources and professional leadership associations to assist with policy implementations related to professional development. Recommendation: Adopt and implement the newly developed evaluation process for principals.
Study by National Researchers – Pathways to Performance In 2012 St. Paul Foundation funded a study by national researchers. The research study focused on Recruitment & Section, Preparation, Licensure, and Professional Development for School Principals in Minnesota. The study resulted in recommendations to the BOSA board on the current state of principal preparation in Minnesota and recommendations for change in practice across four areas: Recruitment and selection Pre-service preparation programs Licensing and certification Continuing professional development Pathways to Performance Link to full report Pathways to Performance
Comparison of Pathway Recommendations and BOSA Work Group Recommendations Areas of focus for Development and Implementation Pathways for Performance Report Recommendations BOSA Work Group Executive Summary Recommendations the development of a recruitment process XX the redesign of program evaluation of preparation programs XX the redesign of Rule 3512 to meet expectations of a comprehensive, statewide licensure system XX the development or refinement of policies to support the licensure system XX
Comparison of Pathway Recommendations and BOSA Work Group Recommendations Areas of focus for Development and Implementation Pathways for Performance Report Recommendations BOSA Work Group Executive Summary Recommendations the development and implementation of high- quality performance-based tools X the implementation of a tiered system for licensing XX the connection of principal evaluation results with the tiered systems for licensure, continuing professional development, and program evaluation of preparation programs XX
Comparison of Pathway Recommendations and BOSA Work Group Recommendations Areas of focus for Development and Implementation Pathways for Performance Report Recommendations BOSA Work Group Executive Summary Recommendations the collaboration of BOSA and other stakeholders in the development of structured, continuous professional development XX
How we have been moving the work forward. Jim Rhodes, BOSA Board Member Representing: School Board Members Louise Sundin, BOSA Board Member Representing: Public
The work ahead...
Structure to Complete the Work BOSA BOARDAdvisory CommitteeWorkgroup
Purposes BOSA Board Provides direction and oversight??? Advisory Committee Provides feedback and advice Represents the voices of the stakeholders???? Workgroup Create a plan of action to move the executive recommendations forward to rule making through the lens of the feedback and advice from the Advisory Committee???? NOTE _ this needs major work!
At your table... have a discussion around the following questions: Who is not in the room that should be in the room? What you like best about what was shared today? What is most concerning about what was shared today? Advice in moving the work forward? Each group will share out major themes from their table’s discussion. NOTE – these are just some ideas to help us get started on Friday
Next meeting – insert date
Thank you!
FOCUS ON WHAT IS POSSIBLE We have at our fingertips an infinite capacity to light a spark of possibility. Passion, rather than fear, is the igniting force. -Rosamund and Benjamin Zander