First Puritans Remember 102 came and only about 40 were Separatist Puritans The others were “Strangers” – largely a secular population They did sail with permission from the VA Co. but the London Company Charter had no power because of where they landed – pledged allegiance to English King Needed a system of government! No Charter no rules!
Warm Up Take out your Pastor John Robinson Farewell letter excerpt worksheet. Fill in the rest of the passages. If you are confused about what one is saying ask someone in class to see what you can come up with together.
Mayflower Compact Mayflower anchored in Plymouth harbor, the patent from the London Company was invalid in New England. As a result the Pilgrims drew up an agreement called the Mayflower Compact, which pledged allegiance to the English king but established a form of government by the will of the majority.
Drafted on the Mayflower – 41 colonists (separatists and strangers) First self-government plan Governor William Bradford “This day, before we came to harbor, observing some not well affected to unity and concord, but gave some appearance of faction, it was thought good there should be an association and agreement that we should combine together in one body, and to submit to such government and governors as we should by common consent agree to make and choose, and set our hands to this that follows word for word”
The Great Migration More Puritans: Settling up north in New England
King Charles 1625 Remember that most Puritans were non- separatists choosing to stay and try and reform the Anglican church Under Charles opposition to the Puritans began to increase Also economic depression (wool industry) …so many decided to leave
Emigration Much larger Puritan population to new world 11 ships carrying 900 settlers set sail to the new world. By the end of that year 17 ships had brought another 1000 settlers Several towns were founded – Boston which became the capital ,000 arrived in NE.
John Winthrop/Massachusetts Bay Colony Under his leadership they sailed. A Genteel lawyer and stockholder in the MBC Represented a syndicate of wealthy Puritans who obtained a royal charter as the Massachusetts Bay Colony Unlike the VA Co. the MBC relocates to New England
Essentially they converted their commercial charter into a self-governing colony 3000 miles away from Bishops and King On board he delivered a sermon – “A Model of Christian Charity” Once there they established the most radical government in the European world
A Republic Puritan men elected their Governor, deputy governor, legislature (Known as General Court)