Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Jefferson Lab Joe Preble & Mark Wiseman ILC Type IV Cryomodule Design Meeting CERN January 16-17, 2006
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Jefferson Lab Experience and Capabilites >15 years experience operating two SRF based accelerators, ~45 Cryomodules — CEBAF GeV, 200uA CW to 3 experimental halls — FEL ~ MeV, >5mA CW (> 10 kW CW IR output) with energy recovery Full range of scientific and engineering support for SRF research, design, development and production (SNS) —Cavity production and processing Presses, CNC shops and E-beam welding High- and Low-Temp furnaces, BCP, EP and HPR Clean rooms and assembly facilities Extensive cavity and cryomodule testing facilities —Cryomodule design, construction and operation —RF control design and operation Static and dynamic Lorentz detuning measurement and control Micro-phonic modeling and measurement —Full range of design and analysis tools Integrated RF, thermal and structural design (HFSS ®, MAFIA ®, SUPERFISH, ANSYS ®, IDEAS ® ) —HOM analysis, measurement and damping —BBU simulation and control
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 3 Jefferson Lab Recent Experience SNS — ~ Five years from start of design to finish of production — Prototype cavities and ß=.61 cryomodule — (12) ß=0.61 and (11) ß=0.8 cryomodules (exceeded specification) CEBAF —Developed two new 1500 MHz cavity designs, Low loss and High gradient —Three JLAB upgrade cryomodules CEBAF SL21 (~50 MeV), FEL03 (~80 MeV), & Renascence (>100 MeV in VTA) Experience working with industry in fabrication of numerous components
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 4 Jefferson Lab Work in Progress Rework of installed cryomodules to provide robust 6 GeV CEBAF operation —Goal is 2.5 times the original module energy specification 50 MeV —One cryomodule in progress, continuing program planned for several more cryomodules CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade —Refining the Cryomodule design and preparing for production start —RF power and digital low level controls Large grain niobium material and cavity development; alternative cavity shapes EP process development Improved cavity process reproducibility, control and documentation including process equipment data logging High Current, 1 amp CW, 750 MHz cavity and cryomodule for FEL’s —Design and cavity prototyping underway
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 5 Jefferson Lab Collaborations Industry – —High current injector ( 100 mA & 1 A) Parts fabricated, assemble in Fall 06 —SRF photoinjector —Large-grain/single-crystal materials —Advanced RF and multipacting simulation codes —XHV techniques and technologies University – —Thin film deposition (also with industry participation) —Plasma etching —Niobium materials studies and surface characterization —Hydrogen in Nb: surface and bulk effects National Labs: —Alternative fabrication processes (DESY, INFN, KEK) —single cavity high current cryomodule (BNL) —ILC-related work (FNAL) {more to follow} —3.9 GHz cavity assembly (FNAL)
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 6 JLAB Current ILC Commitments Further investigations of performance of multi-cell cavities produced from large-grain/single-crystal material Development of a US capability for electropolishing and testing ILC-style multi-cell cavities Development of US capability to fabricate TESLA cavities – deliver 2 to FNAL Development and testing of superconducting joint to enable superstructure-based cryomodule construction; evaluation of superstructure options for ILC Participation in Global Design Effort (staff membership in ILC Americas Regional Team and Configuration Control Board)
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 7 JLAB ILC Participation Further Areas of ILC interest — Cavity development, design, and optimization — Cavity manufacturing and processing — Tuners, slow and fast — Manufacturing and assembly, industrialization — System integration Cryogenic, RF and controls, interlocks…
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 8 JLAB ILC Participation JLAB is excited to be working with the ILC team and would like to increase our contribution/participation Could contribute an additional >5 FTEs in FYO6 with increased support possible in future years however…… Further JLAB involvement will require additional HEP funding/support from ILC labs/DOE