LegumeCHOICE tool test Kenya Team: Ingrid/Maurice/Thomas/Eric/I rene.


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Presentation transcript:

LegumeCHOICE tool test Kenya Team: Ingrid/Maurice/Thomas/Eric/I rene






Functions 7

interventions FoodFeedIncome Erosion control FuelSoil fertilitytotal Common bean Grain legume seasonal Groundnuts Grain legume seasonal Soybean Grain legume seasonal Pigeon pea Grain legume perennial Mucuna Herbaceous legume seasonal Lablab cv xx Herbaceous legume seasonal Desmodium Herbaceous legume perennial Calliandra Tree legume coppicing Sesbania Tree legume non-coppicing Context scores

LandLabourCapital Inputs and services Knowledge and skillsWaterMarketsTotal Com mon bean Grain legume seasonal Grou ndnu ts Grain legume seasonal Soyb ean Grain legume seasonal Pige on pea Grain legume perennial Muc una Herbaceous legume seasonal Labl ab cv xx Herbaceous legume seasonal Des modi um Herbaceous legume perennial Calli andr a Tree legume coppicing Sesb ania Tree legume non-coppicing

Possible Interventions Pigeon pea-15 Lablab cv xx-14 Ground nuts-13 Soya beans-13 Calliandra-13 Sesbania-13 Common bean-11 Pigeon pea-15 Lablab cv xx-14 Ground nuts-13 Soya beans-13 Calliandra-13 Sesbania-13 Common bean-11 10