Transportation: Getting Around in Omaha Agenda Getting Around Town Transportation in Omaha Traffic Rules
Review Stand up. When I call on you, answer ONE of these of your choice. »What is one appropriate small talk topic »What is one inappropriate small talk topic »Give one phrase to leave a conversation »Tell me one thing you learned about American friendship
In America & Omaha Most people drive Most adults have their own car Most families have 2-3 cars Why? Everything is very far apart, making public transportation less efficient Americans like freedom and independence – want to be on their own schedule Stand up if your answer is Yes. 1.Do you own a car? 2.Do you know how to drive? 3.Do you take public transportation at home in Japan? 4.Will you take a bus on your own here in Omaha? 5.Do you have a GPS here? How will you get around Omaha? Stand up if your answer is Yes. 1.Do you own a car? 2.Do you know how to drive? 3.Do you take public transportation at home in Japan? 4.Will you take a bus on your own here in Omaha? 5.Do you have a GPS here? How will you get around Omaha?
In Omaha: Taxi »Most places, you won’t be able to “hail” a cab – you will need to place a phone call » finder.html http:// finder.html » can order a cab online! 1- (402)
Taxi Phrases »With a partner, practice the phrases you would use for a pick up here at UNO. »Where are you located? »UNO, 6001 Dodge Street. In the Arts & Sciences building. Do you know it? »How long will it take? »What is the cost?
Getting Around Omaha »City Bus »Bus Schedules? Use Try it now! With a partner »type in your current location »UNO, 6001 Dodge st, Omaha NE »Type in your destination »Old Market, Omaha NE »Click on the icon for public transportation »Where is the bus stop? »What time is the next bus? »How long will it take?
Traffic Rules You Should Know Traffic drives on the right: all walking and driving. Drivers turning right do not have to stop at red lights. You have to watch for them. Cross only on cross walks Street Signs: - red = Stop - yellow = Warnings - orange = construction - white = speed limit / other info. - blue = highway names, handicapped - green = location information
Traffic Rules You Should Know Cross only on cross walks Cross walks with signs Some “beep” – some do not It is YOUR job as a pedestrian to be aware of traffic Stop, look and listen Before you cross the street. First use your eyes, Then use your ears, Before you use your feet. The red’s on top The green’s below The red means stop The green means go The yellow light is in between and it means no crossing.
Game Common American Game: Red Light, Green Light
Questions? »What questions do you have about America or Omaha transportation?