The Importance of a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Diet is one of the factors that contributes to a healthy lifestyle and general well-being. In order to work physically and mentally we need to provide the body with the nutrients, fibre and water it needs, and to give time for recovery we need to achieve a balance between exercise and work. We can do this with adequate rest and the correct diet. Making the right choices of foods and drinks and taking regular exercise can protect against coronary heart disease and many common cancers and other diseases such as osteoporosis – you can feel better, improve weight control (this is not just about losing weight) and relieve stress.
The Importance of a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Diet is one of the factors that contributes to a healthy lifestyle and general well-being. In order to work physically and mentally we need to provide the body with the nutrients, fibre and water it needs, and to give time for recovery we need to achieve a balance between exercise and work. We can do this with adequate rest and the correct diet. Making the right choices of foods and drinks and taking regular exercise can protect against coronary heart disease and many common cancers and other diseases such as osteoporosis – you can feel better, improve weight control (this is not just about losing weight) and relieve stress.
ENERGY IN – ENERGY OUT The more physical work we do, the more energy we need to complete it. Food contains calories, which are used within the body to release energy for physical work. Athletes need to make sure ENERGY IN = ENERGY OUT.
A BALANCED DIET The seven parts of a healthy and balanced diet…
BALANCED DIET ‘Diet is what you eat and a balanced diet is what you should eat’ A balanced diet should contain… Macronutrients (Needed in large amounts) Micronutrients (Needed in small amounts)WATER AND FIBRE CARBOHYDRATESVITAMINS FATSMINERALS PROTEIN
WHAT THE FOOD GROUPS DO FOR US FOOD GROUPHOW IT KEEPS US HEALTHY AND BALANCED CARBOHYDRATESProvide energy FATSForm of energy and keep the body warm PROTEINUsed for growth and repair VITAMINS AND MINERALSFormation of tissues e.g. hair, used in chemical reactions and stop disease FIBREHelps digestion WATERKeeps us hydrated