A presentation by the Fulton County Public Library
But, what is it, folks? Does not this seem a bit redundant? First MS Office, now this? OpenOffice is Freeware Free and open to all... Not quite as many bells & whistles Fully functioning
Writer MS Word Equivalent Opens MS Word Documents
Calc MS Excel Equivalent Opens Excel documents
Impress MS PowerPoint Equivalent Opens MS PowerPoint files
Draw Mashup of Draw and Publisher Will not open MS Publisher files
Base Database Creation Software Similar to MS Access
Formulas, Labels, Business Cards; Templates... Most symbols from math without the hassle finding them in special symbols... So much more, all at your disposal
Thanks for your Attention The only way to learn it is to play with it It's Free?!?! It isn't too hard to learn, especially with practice Kinda fun to apply what we already know and not lose functionality, rather, to be better than when we first began. Questions/Comments?