Research Question! Which has a faster rate of growth, the seed's root or the shoot? Is this different in the monocot Corn (Zea mays) and the dicot soybean (Glycine max)?
Predictions! From past germination experiments that we have carried out, we believe that the soybean's shoot will grow faster than the Corn's shoot and the corn's root will grow faster than the soybeans shoot.
Experimental Design! We will plant 10 of each crop (corn and soy bean) and measure the growth of the shoot and the root. To do this we will plant the seed on filter paper that is wrapped in clear plastic wrap to prevent evaporation. We will have a seperate filter paper germination chamber for each crop. The chambers will be oriented vertically. The chambers will be watered daily. Every Tuesday and Thursday we will take observations and document these in our online journals
Data! Root growth Date10/27/201111/1/201111/3/201111/8/2011 Day16813 Zea mays Glycine max Shoot Growth Date10/27/201111/1/201111/3/201111/8/2011 Day16813 Zea mays0018.5
Conclusion! In conclusion both the root and the shoot of the corn have a faster rate of growth than that of the soybean. this may be because of some slight jostling of the soybean towards the beginning of the experiment but that is debatable. Other sources of error include the measurements. roots and shoots do grow perfectly straight so measuring with a ruler was slightly difficult at times.