“To play a game of chance for money or other stakes.” (Dictionary.com). Gambling is a specific kind of risk taking – putting up money or its equivalent on a game of chance with the intent of taking another’s money without providing him any goods or services.
The Lord warns us against covetousness (Luke 12:15; Hebrews 13:5; 1 Timothy 6:9-10) The Lord warns us against desiring to be rich (1 Timothy 6:9-10) Christians must not toy with covetousness (Colossians 3:5; Romans 13:9-10)
The things God has entrusted to us should be used to glorify Him (1 Peter 4:10) Gambling is designed to separate you from your money. A “faithful” steward cannot gamble away that with which he has been entrusted (1 Corinthians 4:2)
Addiction is sinful (Matthew 6:24) A significant number of those who gamble will become addicted. If you gamble, you may or may not become addicted, but you will almost certainly facilitate the addiction of another person. (Romans 14:21; Luke 17:1-2)
Gambling is worldly in origin and nature We are in the world, but not of the world (James 4:4; 1 John 2:15; 3:6) Gambling is not merely entertainment or fun (Proverbs 10:23; 3:9)
Owning stock is owning a part of a business concern (e.g. Luke 5:7, 10). Ownership of any business, in part or in whole, involves risk, but risk in itself is not gambling. In contrast, gambling is a zero-sum game. It merely takes money from a loser and gives it to a winner. No value is ever created. However, one can gamble on the stock market, and many day traders and others do so.
Gambling is covetousness, poor stewardship, leads to addiction, and is worldly in nature. It typically violates Bible principles such as… Doing unto others as we would have them do to us. Do YOU want to LOSE your money in a game of chance? Laboring to provide for oneself. Not exploiting or oppressing the poor and needy. Because it is sinful, the PRIMARY RISK in GAMBLING is Losing Your Soul! (Matthew 16:26)