Scavenger Hunt Use your copy / paste skills to add to this slideshow…. Let Mr. Stevens see it when your done to get the credit you deserve.
Add photos of: a civil rights march from the 1960’s, an anti war demonstration from the 1970’s, a protest at UC Berkeley from the last 5 years, a demonstration in San Leandro from whenever. (that is 4 images)
Find 2 protest signs that show different sides of a conflict (pro abortion vs anti abortion, anti immigration vs pro immigration, or something)
Find a demonstration scene from a middle east nation (Egypt, Syria, Yemen) from the last 5 years. It should show a crowd of people. Use the arrow tool to show how many women are at the demonstration (or, copy and paste my arrow multiple times).
Complete the table with numbers YearNumber of police officers killed on duty nation wide
Find an image that shows police using too much force
Find an image of police behaving correctly in a bad situation
Paste the text of the 1 st amendment in the box below. Format it so it fits in the box, then identify the 6 freedoms by changing the color of the font
Paste amendments 4, 5 and 8 in the space below. Format the text so it all fits. Then…find all of the rights of the accused by changing the color of the font
Find a poignant image of a single, tired but hopeful protestor who looks a little defeated for the day but who hasn’t given up.