WELCOME TO CE 100 Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Development Unit 7 Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer speakers to access the audio feature of this seminar. 1
Unit 7 Objectives After completing this unit, you should be able to: Identify the importance of professional organizations within the field Identify how professionalism, personal characteristics, responsibilities, expectations, and roles have changed Explain new roles the early childhood professional should anticipate 2
3 Unit 7 Reading— “A Conceptual Framework for Early Childhood Professional Development” --NAEYC Position Statement An important umbrella statement meant to address how we can best meet the needs of children from birth to age 8. Need for a unifying framework Diversity of services; services to children with disabilities (family child care homes, Head Start, franchise day care, private preschool, public kindergarten) Diversity of professional preparation National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). (1993). A Conceptual Framework for Early Childhood Education Programs. Washington, DC: Author.
4 NAEYC’s position statement is based on assumptions: All young children, birth through age eight, should have access to high-quality early childhood education services. Early childhood education programs occur in a variety of settings: centers, homes, and schools. The adults who work with young children and their families are key to providing high-quality programs. Parents and public have every right to expect that adults employed in early childhood programs have the knowledge, dispositions, and skills needed to provide high-quality services. To attract and retain qualified adults to work in early childhood programs, there must be viable career options that provide opportunities for continued professional development and Increased compensation.
5 Assumptions: Early childhood professionals enter the field through various paths. Some individuals have completed professional preparation programs prior to assuming a professional role; for many others, formal professional preparation follows their decision to work with young children. Ongoing training and preparation opportunities should be structured to encourage and support all individuals working with young children to improve their knowledge and skills. The early childhood profession must ensure that its members—in all roles and at all levels—reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of our nation and its families.
6 State Licensing in Early Childhood Programs Licensing is a process administered by State governments that sets a baseline of requirements below which it is illegal for facilities that provide child care services to operate, unless they are legally exempt from licensing. NCCIC. (2010). Minimum requirements for preservice qualifications and annual ongoing training hours (pdf document). retrieved from //Why is licensing important? National Child Care Information and Technical Assistance Center
What does YOUR state require? Licensing requirements 7 Scroll through the document. See requirements for teacher and master teacher in your state. Return to share your requirements.
Please Share //What is Professional Development? //Why is it important? 8
Professional Development is… A way to proactively go forward and to know that learning in our field is lifelong. A way to build knowledge, network with peers, stay current in early childhood education. A way to learn from one another. A way to best meet the needs of our children. A way to recognize that our field and the knowledge we develop about it is ever-growing and changing. A way to stay current. A way to feel supported! 9
//How can we do professional development? 10
11 Benefits of Joining NAEYC Improve your teaching and learning. As a member you may take advantage of resources to help improve your work with children such as online access to the current issue of Young Children along with the print publication of your choice--Young Children, Teaching Young Children, and Tesoros y Colores.Young ChildrenTeaching Young ChildrenTesoros y Colores Raise the quality of early childhood education programs. As a member you can further the cause of NAEYC's two voluntary national accreditation systems, which work to improve the quality of programs for young children and of professional preparation by recognizing high-quality programs that meet NAEYC standards Build the early childhood profession. Membership will promote high professional standards, comprehensive training opportunities, and equitable compensation and working conditions so that qualified early childhood educators will stay and grow in this important field. It will also promote public support and policies for young children.
12 NAEYC Professional Development Opportunities --View the left side of the page and click on one pd opportunity. Come back to share something about that opportunity.
13 NAEYC Opportunities for CEU’s Online Learning Face-to-Face Training Training DVDs Accreditation Training Conference Institute Training Resources (Continuing Education Units)
Many states require ongoing professional development. We can also build our knowledge by accessing the resources and articles at websites. Let’s look at articles that we can find at national organization websites. Choose one of the following: Zero To Three projects/military-families/ CEC Division of Early Childhood Find an article, read and come back to post the title and a sentence about what you learned. 14
Unit 7 Discussion Board—time to reflect Thus far, we have covered several academic and personal strategies that will assist you in your degree program and future career. Reflect on how these strategies can enhance your performance as a student and help you to achieve your goals as a student and an early childhood professional. Post your answers to the following questions to the discussion. In addition to personal management, what are the three most valuable tools, strategies or resources you have learned about? How have you used or do you plan on using these tools in your success in your role as student and in your career? Explain why they along with personal management are most useful to you and give an example of how you plan on applying them to your schoolwork and to your work in the early childhood field. Where do we find the tools and academic strategies in the course? 15
View the documents and resources as follows: Unit 2 O*Net online (job responsibilities and skills) Unit 3 Goal Setting (SMART goals) Note Taking Unit 6 Critical Thinking and the Internet Critical Thinking and Reading Choose and discuss three of these. Be sure to address all of the questions. 16
Unit 7 Project This term we have learned about the roles, responsibilities, and various career opportunities within the field, and as we explored each career opportunity, we discussed standards, strategies, and professional standards. For your Unit 7 Project, you will write a 1-2 page essay (3-4 pages total) There is a title page and reference page, so the body is 1-2 pages. sharing how the role of the early childhood professional is different from what it was in the past. Using the template provided, you will include the following: Identify how professionalism, personal characteristics, responsibilities, expectations, and roles have changed. Explain some of the new roles the early childhood professional should anticipate. Share how historical events, theorists, or legislation have influenced these changes. 17
First, go to O*Net to read about current roles. Then, view any or all of the following: History of Child Care How has Child Care Changed? Years.html Child Care Workers Right now…Overdue Changes Needed Timeline of Major Events in Child Care Unit 7 Project Help 18
Any questions at all? Thanks for attending! ~Prof. Beth 19
References Follari, L. (2010). Foundations and best practices in early childhood education: History, theories, and approaches to learning. Boston: Pearson. Jupiter Images Corporation, (2010). Clipart.com. Retrieved May 10, 2010 from