WELCOME TO CE 100 Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Development –Unit 4 Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer speakers to access the audio feature of this seminar. 1
2 A Word About Careers in Early Childhood Preschool teacher Preschool assistant Child care director If you intend to become a certified teacher in your state in public education, please see your state’s department of education requirements. If you intend to practice social work, please see your state’s licensing requirements.
3 knowledge of child development and learning theory in early childhood settings; strategies for building family and community relationships; developmentally appropriate observational and assessment techniques use developmentally appropriate principles, tools and practices to create effective learning environments for young children professional standards, ethical values individuality and cultural diversity of children and their families to learning and development. Unit 3 Review– SMART goals and **The Educational Studies Program Outcomes
Unit 4 Overview This week in Unit 4, you will choose your elective courses to round out your degree plan. associate= five level courses bachelor= six level courses PLUS four 300/400 level courses) 4
5 You will also upload and attach 2 documents together in the Unit 2 project dropbox. 1. Pick the spreadsheet for your degree 2. Fill in the template with details.
Objectives After completing this unit, you should be able to: Describe your reasons for choosing your electives Explore specializations in the field of early childhood development Develop your Customized Early Childhood Development Degree Plan 6
Reading In this week's reading, you will read about the elective courses you can choose to customize your degree in early childhood development. Please read the document related to your degree program. Scroll to the bottom to see possible clusters of courses you can choose. In addition, go to the Kaplan University course catalog and read the course descriptions for the elective courses offered. – Go to the Kaplan student webpage. – Scroll down to Resources under My Classes. – Click Documents. – Click University Catalog. – See pages
Degree Requirements Refer to your degree plan (found in Unit 4 Reading) *See Associate’s Degree information OR * Bachelor’s Degree information For Bachelor Degree, you will select 54 hours of Open Electives. For Associate Degree, you will select 25 hours of Open Electives. 8
Associate’s Degree— 25 hours needed. 5 classes. Type in at the bottom. 9
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Development Student Name: Core Total CreditsCredits Communication-CM107 College Composition I5 Communication-CM220 College Composition II5 Mathematics- MM150 Survey of Mathematics5 Art and Humanities-HU300 Art and Humanities: 20 th Century and Beyond6 Social Science-SS310 Exploring the 1960s: An Interdisciplinary Approach6 Physical Science-SC300 Big Ideas in Science: From Methods to Mutation6 Core Requirements Total Credit33 Major Requirements Major Requirement = CE100 Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Development5 Major Requirement = CE101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education5 Major Requirement = PS124 Introduction to Psychology or SS144 Sociology5 Major Requirement = CE114 Early Childhood Development5 Major Requirement = CE215 Early Childhood Curriculum Planning5 Major Requirement = CE220 Child Safety, Nutrition and Health5 Major Requirement = CM206 Interpersonal Communication5 Major Requirement = CE230 Creative Activities for Young Children5 Major Requirement = CE240 Young Children with Special Needs5 Major Requirement = CE 300 Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood6 Major Requirement = CE310 Children’s Literacy6 Major Requirement = CE320 Language Development in the Young Child6 Major Requirement = CE330 Teaching Across Content: Math, Science and Sociology for Young Children6 Major Requirement = CE410 Teaching Art and Music in Early Childhood6 Major Requirement = CE420 Curriculum Development6 Major Requirement = CE430 Learning Through Play in the Inclusive Classroom6 Capstone = CE499 Bachelor’s Capstone in Early Childhood Development6 Major Requirements Total Credit93 Open Electives Unit 4 Project Part 1: Please type in your choices for open electives after you have completed your Unit 3 work. Save this spreadsheet and submit it to the dropbox for the Unit 4 Project. Open Elective (100/200) = Open Elective (300/400) = Electives Total Credit54 Total Requirements180 Bachelor’s Degree 54 hours of electives— 10 classes type below 10
11 How to fill in the Spreadsheet for Part 1 of your Project
12 The Kaplan University Course catalog
13 HN 144 (Type 205 in the search box at the top) Human Behavior and the Environment //Come back and list one skill that you will learn by taking this course. //How many credit hours? Are there any prerequisites? Field trip: Go to the University catalog on the KU homepage.
14 HN 144: HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND THE ENVIRONMENT Working as a human service professional demands an understanding of the differences and similarities in human behavior. This course will focus on the basic systems or influences that help to define, identity, and explain behavior. Students will examine how family structures, institutions, organizations, and communities contribute to the complex issues facing diverse populations in the twenty-first century. Students will examine ways to incorporate these theories to help them develop practical intervention skills. 5 Quarter Credit Hours Prerequisite: None Do any of the skills in this class connect to our Program Outcomes?
Early Childhood Development Program Outcomes knowledge of child development and learning theory in early childhood settings; strategies for building family and community relationships; developmentally appropriate observational and assessment techniques use developmentally appropriate principles, tools and practices to create effective learning environments for young children professional standards, ethical values individuality and cultural diversity of children and their families to learning and development. 15
16 Unit 2 Project Part II Name ______________________________ CE100 Unit 4 Project- Part II 1. Why have you chosen the elective classes included in your degree plan? -Associates, mention all five and explain why you have chosen each. -Bachelors, mention any 5 of your courses and explain why you have chosen each. 2. What skills and knowledge do you expect to learn from these classes? Look at the course catalog. Look up the five courses. Do not copy and paste, but write a one sentence summary of the skills for each class. 3. How will these individual skills and knowledge help you in your field? -Associates, mention all five and explain how skills you learn from the courses will connect to any of the Program Outcomes -Bachelors, mention any 5 of your courses and the skills and explain how they connect to the Program Outcomes 4. How will these electives further your career goals in general? Overall, How will learning these skills help you address the needs of children in your future work?
When choosing courses, please consider … 1.the requirements of your future position as well as 2. the Program Outcomes for Early Childhood Development Think about your future career. Do you want to run a day care? Perhaps a business course would be helpful. Will you be a medical assistant? Be sure to check health science courses. 17 **Important tip— See suggested elective courses in the Reading section!
Special Considerations and classes As you think about choosing electives…. 18
and 600- level courses are for graduate-level students only Students in associate programs should limit their courses to the 100- and 200-levels Nursing (NS) courses may only be taken by students enrolled in the Nursing program Some courses are offered exclusively on ground campuses, so please review all course descriptions carefully
Project Reminders In this project, you will submit 2 documents together! 1. Choose the elective classes or clusters of electives that will personalize and customize your Early Childhood Development Degree Plan. Type these on the provided excel spreadsheet. You may use suggested clusters. 2. Fill out and submit the template at the same time that addresses the following: Why have you chosen the elective classes included in your degree plan? What skills and knowledge do you expect to learn from these classes? How will these individual skills and knowledge help you in your field? How will these electives further your career goals in general? (Remember to refer to the Program outcomes and your future position) 22
23 Reminders B.S. Degree = 54 hours of electives (six 100/200 level courses and four 300/400 level courses) A.A. Degree = 25 hours of electives (five 100/200 level courses) Before choosing a course, check to see if there is a prerequisite. CE 207—diversity (onsite only)
Weekly Reminders Complete the readings. Complete the learning activities. Participate in discussion. Attend seminar. Complete the project. – 2 PARTS questions, concerns, etc. 24
Any questions? 25
Closing thought! “The teacher is one who made two ideas grow where only one grew before.” ~author unknown. Have a wonderful week! Thanks for coming! Beth 26