Galatians Chapter Two Galatians 2:20 (KJV) I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
v 20 Two aorist participles precede the main verb: The Son of God, who loved me And delivered Himself up for me AND THEN the main verb: I live by faith
v 20 I live by faith in... The preposition translated in is not there. Instead it is a genitive of possession that reads in the Greek text I live by faith of the Son of God. This is one place the KJV translators got it right: I live by faith of the Son of God NOW what is the faith of the Son of God? It was a life of faith lived by trusting the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Hebrews 12:2-3 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith...
Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Lord: 1. The Holy Spirit was involved in the conception of the humanity of Jesus: Luke 1:35, Matthew 1:18 2. The Holy Spirit inspired the praises of Jesus at His birth and early infancy: Luke 2: The Holy Spirit visibly came upon Jesus at His Baptism: Luke 3:22 4. The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to fast and be Tempted: Matthew 4:1, Luke 4:1
Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Lord: 5. The Holy Spirit was the source of Jesus’ Joy: Luke 10:21a 6. Jesus Christ taught in the power of the Holy Spirit: Luke 4:18, John 3:34, Acts 1:2 7. Jesus Christ was geographically led by the Holy Spirit: Matthew 4:1, Luke 4:14 8. The Rejection of Christ was a rejection and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit: Mark 3: The Lord’s Miracles were accomplished in the Power of the Holy Spirit: Luke 4:18
Jesus also Taught about the Holy Spirit: 1. The Holy Spirit spoke through Old Testament saints: Mark 12:36 2. Men are saved through the ministry of the Holy Spirit: John 6:36 3. The Holy Spirit would be given to those who believe in Christ: John 7: The Holy Spirit is the power behind true Worship: John 4:24 5. The Holy Spirit will teach Believers: John 14:26
Jesus also Taught about the Holy Spirit: 6. The Holy Spirit will guide Believers: John 16:13 7. The Holy Spirit will give believers the words to say when under persecution: Mark 13:11 8. The Holy Spirit represents and manifests Christ after His ascension: John 14:16-17, 15:26 9. The Holy Spirit is the power that fulfills the Great Commission: Matthew 28:19, Luke 24:49
Summary of Paul’s Argument in Galatians 1-2: 1. The Judiazers who have brought the bondage of Jewish Law to the Gentile of Galatia 2. These legalists denied Paul's authority and apostleship 3. He establishes his authority in Jesus Christ 4. He tells of his relationship to the Lord, to the other apostles, and to Peter
Summary of Paul’s Argument in Galatians 1-2: 5. The intrusion of the Judiazers on the Gentile believers was resulting in four errors: a. A breaking off of fellowship between Jews and Gentiles b. The establishment of a second class of believers c. A false superiority of a select group of believers based upon works d. A rejection of the grace of God 6. And for those who push legalism upon young grace believer he gave no quarters, would not even submit to them for an hour