NDSU VISUAL ARTS SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION PLEASE READ THIS PAGE BEFORE FILLING OUT THE REST OF THE APPLICATION This powerpoint application must be completed and converted to pdf, then ed to by the deadline. Any applications received after this point will not be considered. Who is qualified to apply? – Any FULL-TIME, Visual Arts major at NDSU with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or better. Scholarship Application Step-by-step Process 1.Gather information and writing: You will need to know your cumulative G.P.A. (3.0 Min. Requirement), your degree track (BFA, BS, BA), your emphasis area, year in the program, and your anticipated graduation semester and year. You will also need to write three short responses to questions that are contained in this Power Point. 2.Assemble Support images of Artwork: Select FIVE images of art work that best represents the quality of your work from anything you have made while a student at NDSU. 3.Complete and Submit this Power Point application: Fill out the Application form embedded in the Power Point, finish the three questions and enter your power point images. Save this power point as (Your Name)Scholarship Application this file to: by NOON (12:00pm) on April 4. Post Application- The faculty will score applications based on the quality of work presented and the content of your answers to the three questions.
NDSU VISUAL ARTS Scholarship Application Name: Degree Track (BFA, BA, etc): Emphasis Area: Year in the Art Program: 1/2/3/4? GPA (minimum 3.0): Anticipated Graduation Semester and Year:
Answer each of the following three with no more than ONE paragraph _ 1. What are your goals as an art student at NDSU? _ 2. How have you been engaged in the Art communities of NDSU and/or the FM area? _ 3. Cite an artist or an art period that has made an impact on your artwork and then discuss reasons why. _
In the following five slides, insert an image that best represents your artwork produced while a student at NDSU. For each work fill in the Title, Date, Media and Dimensions in the space provided at the bottom. Portfolio
Title: Date: Media: Dimensions: 1.
2. Title: Date: Media: Dimensions:
3. Title: Date: Media: Dimensions:
4. Title: Date: Media: Dimensions:
5. Title: Date: Media: Dimensions: