(c) IRU Academy 2011 Developing professional Training in Syria: IRU Recommendation Damascus, 9 th February 2011 Haydar Özkan IRU General Delegate to the Middle East and Region Page 1
SYRIA – a bridge for the International Transit Trade Flows Page 2 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Opportunities Page 3 (c) IRU Academy 2011 Efficient and professional services of the road transport industry will enable Syria, at the crossroads of world trade flows, to seize better the opportunities of globalisation of tradeEfficient and professional services of the road transport industry will enable Syria, at the crossroads of world trade flows, to seize better the opportunities of globalisation of trade
Training Page 4 (c) IRU Academy 2011 No matter what the industry or the size of your business, training can have a positive effect on performance and a measurable impact on your behavior. Education, vocational training and lifelong learning play a vital role in both economic and social context.
Social Importance of Training Page 5 (c) IRU Academy 2011 It is the responsibility of both the public and private Partners to work together to implement efficient solutions to develop the necessary skills of the professionals in the road transport industry in order to address these challenges with success. the necessary skills of the professionals in the road transport industry in order to address these challenges with success.
Why a fleet operator would invest in training? Behavioral performance change Process improvements Increased customer satisfaction Staff retention Safety Profitability Page 6 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Worldwide Excellence in Road Transport Training Page 14 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Key to safer roads and stronger Syrian road transport industry: Regulated access to market! Page 8 (c) IRU Academy 2011 Professional competence confirmed by a Certificate for Professional Competence (CPC) – for the transport managers and for the drivers Good repute. Financial standing
SYRIA: Technical Assistance for Legal Affairs and TrainingSYRIA: Technical Assistance for Legal Affairs and Training Strategy mission (DECEMBER 2009) Expert Analysis of draft Transport Law (JANUARY 2010) Training Needs Assessment mission (APRIL 2010) IRU Legal Expert mission (JUNE 2010) Page 9 (c) IRU Academy 2011 Missions 2010
Summary of the Mission Damascus, 9 th February 2011 Talal Al Wahaibi Project Officer (c) IRU Academy 2011 Page 10
Professional Training Needs Assessment in Syria Upon request of the Minister of Transport of Syria and in order to provide technical assistance to the Government of Syria for developing compulsory professional training of fleet operators and their drivers; a special Expert Mission was carried out in order to make a training needs assessment in all major cities of Syria on 3-6 April Page 11 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Objectives Objectives To carry out training needs assessment for the road transport operators with a view in assisting the Ministry of Transport’s newly established training institute. To Defining the current situation in regards to training in Syria and what could be improved in road transport training To develop the professional road transport training at the IRU Academy International standards as a criterion of access to profession for transport operators and professional drivers. To improve the training capacity in the road transport sector by implementing IRU Academy CPC Manager and Driver Programme Page 12 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Mission Mission Interview with public and private road transports operators Site visit and interview with private driving centers Visit to technical test center and review road worthiness test Visit to Customs and Border Control Site visit to the new strategic logistic hub in Hesiyah Research of examination conditions including theoretical examinations. Page 13 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Route Route Page 14 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Summary of the Mission 3 days Mission Site visits to 4 cities Questioner was prepared by the IRU consultant Interviews with government officials and private companies Video and photo were recorded during the mission (c) IRU Academy 2011 Page 15
The beginning (c) IRU Academy 2011 Land Transport Authority: Legality Manager Public private partnership unit unit Driving licence committee International affairs Dept SNC-ICC IRU delegation Page 16
Findings Adra public driving school: Future Training centre for professional drivers Vast asphalt facilities for theoretical training Spacious classrooms Experienced staff (c) IRU Academy 2011 Page 17
Findings Al Sham private school: Modern facilities Experienced staff Open to professional training (c) IRU Academy 2011 Page 18
Findings Hessiya: Hesiyah is the new strategic regional Logistics centre New Industrial City being built Close to Syrian Oil & Gas Hub Existing Rail Links - Dry Port Close to Tartus, Lattakia Ports (c) IRU Academy 2011 Hesiyah Page 19
Findings Hums and Aleppo Logistics centre: Interview with government officials 900 trucks are registered 250 international transportation trucks CPC training for drivers and manger is vital (c) IRU Academy 2011 Page 20
Findings Bab al Hawa customs gate: Reviewed transit procedures Reviewed clearance procedures Interview with customs administration (c) IRU Academy 2011 Page 21
Findings Transport companies: Questioner for Mangers and drivers was provided Interview with small and large operators in the industry Lack of training in companies for mangers and drivers (c) IRU Academy 2011 Page 22
Findings Strengths: Ministry of Transport’s strong interest and support Experience of government officials in the road transport sector Allocation of funds in order to improve transport infrastructure (notably in Hesiyah and Hums) Transport legislation development Support of the private sector (SNC-ICC) Page 23 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Findings Weaknesses: Lack of competitiveness in the transport sector Lack of knowledge of national and international transport law Lack of training for professional training for managers and drivers in Syria according to international regulations Lack of a regional institute accomplished for training personnel in the road transport sector according to international standards. Page 24 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Recommendations Training for : Certificate of Professional Competence is required for managers and drivers as issued by an accredited training centre as follows:- Establish compulsory professional training of Professional Competence (CPCs) for manager and driver as precondition of access to profession. Authorise accredited Training institutes(ATIs) nationwide and implement independent centralised test under control of the Ministry of Transport. Accredited Training Institutes (ATIs) must meet certain criteria on physical facilities and instructors minimum qualification; a curriculum as determined by the Ministry of Transport, according to IRU Academy standards shall also be established to obtain accreditation. Give chance to existing managers and drivers that are in the profession for more than 3 years, to stay in the profession during transition period (grandfather rights) Issue Certificate of Professional Competence with a validity of 5 years – Periodic Training shall be undertaken every 5 years to maintain validity. Page 25 (c) IRU Academy 2011
Thank you Page 26 (c) IRU Academy 2011