by Iryna Patynka Group: МЕК 09-1 м
Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological bases of enterprise’s communication activities in Ukraine. Chapter 2. The analyses of PJSC «Sandora»’ s activities and its international communication policy. Chapter 3. Ways of improving international communication policy at PJSC «Sandora» and its impact on their activities’ efficiency. Chapter 4. Labor protection and safety in emergency situations. Conclusions Bibliography Appendices
Objective of research: scientific theoretical substantiation of the essence, content and functions of international communication systems developed by Ukrainian enterprises Object of research: international communication activities of PJSC «Sandora»
The topicality is predetermined by the need in the analyses of problems in practical implementation of international communication systems at Ukrainian enterprises.
The aim of enterprise’s financial activities analyses is preliminary generalized evaluation. It allows to make general conclusions about the results of operation. On the basis of the analyses more comprehensive analyses in the required directions are carried out.
Analyses of profit and profitability № Factors Deviation Absol ute Relati ve.% 1. Gross income, thousand UAH 3209,22869,8-339,4-10,5 2. Net sales, thousand UAH 2674,32391,5-282,8-10,5 3. Cost value of products sold 2199,11869,6-329, Gross profit, thousand UAH 475,2521,946,79,8 5. Gross profit in Gross income, % 14,818,23, Profits of operational activities 358,4-26, Profit tax, thousand UAH 10,53,8-6, Net profit, thousand UAH 24,54,6-19, Profitability of products 0,220,280,0627,3 10. Level of profit, % 0,896,095,2584
Nowadays advertising activities of any enterprise is one of the key factors in competition. Therefore, to keep the acquired position, the enterprise should not study only changes of consumer preferences but also build an efficient system of communication channels and choose effective methods of influencing consumers, i.e. develop an advertising campaign.
Integrated marketing communications make it possible to solve two interrelated problems. 1. Creation of communicative messages system with the use of various elements of marketing mix which would not contradict each other but would be coordinated. 2. Maximization of marketing communications efficiency by searching for their optimal combinations.
On the basis of the conducted research it has been recommended for PJSC «Sandora»: 1. To intensify the participation of "Sandora" in association “Union of juice products producers of Ukraine”. 2. To conduct continuously marketing research. 3. To establish an effective communication system. 4. To renew continuously the product range.
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