Kyle L. Janek, M.D., Executive Commissioner Vendor Conference Training for Faith-Based and Volunteer Respite Care Programs RFP No March 5, 2014
Welcome Introductions Elizabeth Ward, Procurement & Contracting Services (PCS) Joyce Pohlman, Community Access and Grants Unit, Access & Intake Division Stella Roland, HHSC/DADS HUB Coordinator James Burshtyn, DADS Legal Housekeeping Items
HHSC Procurement Roles PCS – Responsible for procurement activity Program – Responsible for project scope, requirements, performance, results, contract management/monitoring HUB – Responsible for monitoring HUB activity Legal – Questions/answers regarding legal issues
ECPS Procurement Activities Sole Point of Contact Questions & Answers Procurement Schedule Solicitation Access Submission Requirements Solicitation Amendments Screening & Evaluation Award Information
Procurement Schedule RFP Release Date February 25, 2015 Vendor TeleconferenceMarch 5, 2015 Vendor Questions Due (COB) March 6, 2015 Response to Questions Posted March 11, 2015 Proposals Due (2:00 PM) March 19, 2015 Tentative Award Posting (est.)April 2, 2015 Anticipated Contract Start Date April 15, 2015
RFP Overview Background Estimated 3.1 million caregivers in Texas. Caregivers experience higher rates of chronic disease and depression as a result of their efforts. Respite has been shown to help relieve stress and enable caregivers to continue in their role. Purpose of RFP: increase the number of no-cost respite care programs operated by faith-based and volunteer organizations in Texas. Request for Proposals No
Project Objectives Conduct outreach to at least 8 faith-based or volunteer groups to encourage them to start a respite care program. Train at least 6 faith-based or volunteer groups on how to operate respite care programs. Distribute $10,000 in start up funds, subject to application process approved by DADS. Provide input on a handbook on how to start and operate a respite care program. Participate in evaluation activities. RFP Overview
Scope of work See section 2.3 of RFP Scope of work is the same as the project objectives Project Outcomes See Section 2.2 of RFP At least 4 groups will have knowledge needed to start a respite program. At least 2 groups will achieve key milestones. RFP Overview
Program Information Eligible Applicants Experience in providing training. Knowledge of respite care. Experience in working with faith-based and volunteer organizations. Experience in developing a business plan.
Program Information Funds Available Maximum of $113,000, of which $10,000 must be distributed to faith-based or volunteer organizations. Contract Period April – October 2015 Target Population Unpaid family caregivers, caring for an older adult, a person with a disability, or a person with a chronic illness.
Application Transmittal letter (see Sec ) Cover Page (see Sec ) Table of Contents (see Sec ) Executive Summary (see Sec ) Narrative (see Sec ) 15 pages How applicant will meet objectives
Application (continued) Narrative (see Sec ) Organizational Capacity Letters of support Appendix 1: Budget (see Section ) Appendix 2: Project Work Plan (see Section )
Evaluation Project Approach and Service Area Workplan Timeline and Outcomes Organizational Capacity Budget
HUB Topics I.RFP Section 4.0 Historically Underutilized Business Participation Requirements II.HUB Subcontracting Plan Development and Submission III.HSP Quick Checklist – Handout IV.HSP Methods – Section V. HSP Prime Contractor Progress Assessment Report – Section
I.Historically Underutilized Business Participation Requirements 15
HUB Participation Goals – Section 4.3 Potential Subcontracting Opportunities – Section 4.5 Centralized Master Bidders List and HUB Directory – Section 4.5 Vendor Intends to Subcontract – Section 4.6 I.RFP Section 4.0 Historically Underutilized Business Participation Requirements 16
Minority or Women Trade Organizations – Section Self Performance – Section 4.7 HSP Changes After Contract Award – Section 4.8 Reporting and Compliance with the HSP – Section 4.8 I.RFP Section 4.0 Historically Underutilized Business Participation Requirements (cont.) 17
HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) II. HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) Development and Submission Development and Submission 18
If HSP is inadequate, response will be rejected HUB GOALS Special reminders and instructions HSP Information Page 19
III.HSP Quick Checklist ** See Checklist Handout** 20
IV.HSP Methods 21
METHOD OPTIONS A Respondent may choose from one of the following methods when completing the HSP: Method I – if 100% of your subcontracting opportunities will be performed using only HUB vendors; Method II – if one or more of the subcontracting opportunities identified will be performed using HUB protégé’s; Method III – if a combination of HUBs and Non-HUBs are used to perform the subcontracting work identified AND the HUB goal identified in the solicitation is met or exceeded; 22
METHOD OPTIONS A Respondent may choose from one of the following methods when completing the HSP (cont.): Method IV – if a combination of HUBs and Non-HUBs are used to perform the subcontracting work identified AND the HUB goal identified in the solicitation is not met or exceeded. Method V - if the Respondent intends to self perform all of the work utilizing their own resources, equipment, employees, and supplies. 23
ALL METHODS For ALL Methods the following steps are required to be completed on the HSP Form: Page 1 - Section 1 - Respondent and Requisition Information; Page 1 - Section 1 - Respondent and Requisition Information; Page 2 - Company and Requisition Information Page 2 - Company and Requisition Information Page 2 - Section 2(a) – Subcontracting Intentions Page 2 - Section 2(a) – Subcontracting Intentions Section 4 – Affirmation and Sign Section 4 – Affirmation and Sign 24
Respondent and Requisition Information HSP Information Page 25
Company Name and Requisition # Subcontracting Intentions: If Yes, Complete Section 2a If No, Complete Section 2b 26
Section 4; Affirmation Signature Affirms that Information Provided is True and Correct. 27
METHOD I If all (100%) of your subcontracting opportunities will be performed using only HUB vendors, complete: All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20; All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20; Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors; Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors; Section 2 c. – Yes; Section 2 c. – Yes; HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity. HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity. 28
Complete Section 2-c; Yes if you will be using only HUBs to perform all Subcontracting Opportunities in 2-b. Complete Section 2-b; List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the % of the contract you expect to award to all HUBs. 29
Complete this attachment (Sections A-1 and A-2) and List Line # and Subcontracting Opportunity. HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) HUB Subcontractor Selection for this Subcontracting Opportunity 30
METHOD II If any of your subcontracting opportunities will be performed using HUB protégés, complete: All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20; All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20; Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors; Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors; HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) – Complete Section B-1 and Section B-2 only for each subcontracting opportunity as applicable. HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) – Complete Section B-1 and Section B-2 only for each subcontracting opportunity as applicable. 31
Skip Sections 2-c and 2-d. Complete Section 2-b; List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the % of the contract you expect to award to HUB Protégés. 32
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) Complete Sections B-1; and B-2 only for each HUB Protégé subcontracting opportunity. 33
34 List the HUB Protégé(s) HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B)
METHOD III If you are subcontracting with HUBs and Non-HUBs, and the aggregate percentage of subcontracting with HUBs in which the HUB Goal identified in the solicitation is met or exceeded, complete: All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20;All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20; Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors and Non HUB vendors;Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors and Non HUB vendors; Section 2 c. – No;Section 2 c. – No; Section 2 d. – Yes;Section 2 d. – Yes; HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity.HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity. 35
Complete Section 2-c; No to using only HUBs to perform all Subcontracting Opportunities in 2-b. Complete Section 2-b; List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the % of the contract you expect to award to HUBs and Non-HUBs. 36
Complete Section 2-d; Yes, to the Aggregate % of the contract expected to be subcontracted to HUBs to meet or exceed the HUB goal, which you have a contract agreement in place for five (5) years or less. 37
Complete this attachment (Sections A-1 and A-2) for each subcontracting opportunity. HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) Subcontractor Selection (HUBs and Non-HUBs) 38
METHOD IV If you are subcontracting with HUBs and Non-HUBs, and the aggregate percentage of subcontracting with HUBs, holding an existing contract with HUBs for 5 years or less, does not meet or exceed the HUB Goal identified in the solicitation, complete: All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20;All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20; Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicated the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors and Non HUB vendors;Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicated the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors and Non HUB vendors; Section 2 c. – No;Section 2 c. – No; Section 2 d. – No;Section 2 d. – No; HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity.HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity. 39
Complete Section 2-c; No, to using only HUBs to perform all Subcontracting Opportunities in 2-b. Complete Section 2-b; List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicated the % of the contract you expect to award to HUBs and Non-HUBs. 40
Complete Section 2-d; No, to the Aggregate % of the contract expected to be subcontracted to HUBs to meet or exceed the HUB goal, which you have a contract agreement in place for five (5) years or less. 41
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) Complete Section B-1; and Section B-2 only for each subcontracting opportunity. Good Faith Efforts to find Texas Certified HUB Vendors 42
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) Written Notification Requirements List 3 HUBs Contacted for this Subcontracting Opportunity 43
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) Written Notification To Trade Organizations 44
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) List Trade Organizations Notified with Dates Sent/Accepted. 45
Provide written justification why a HUB was not selected for this Subcontracting Opportunity HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) 46
METHOD V If you are not subcontracting any portion of the contract and will be fulfilling the entire contract with your own resources (i.e., equipment, supplies, materials, and/or employees), complete: All of the steps in Slides 19 and 20; Section 3 – Self Performing JustificationSection 3 – Self Performing Justification 47
List the specific page(s)/section(s) of your proposal response, OR in the space provided, which explains how your company will perform the entire contract with its own equipment, supplies, materials and/or employees. Section 3; Self Performing Justification 48
HUB Subcontracting Opportunity Notification Form 49
Sample for Respondent’s Use. 50
V.HSP Prime Contractor Progress Assessment Report 51
52 Required with ALL Pay Requests Required even if not subcontracting List ALL Sub payments (HUBs & Non-HUBs) HSP Prime Contractor Progress Assessment Report
Closing Comments Texas Health and Human Services Commission 53