English III/IV March
Direct/Indirect Objects & Subject complements quiz! It is that time……time for our quiz. You CAN use your notes on the quiz, but you CAN NOT use your partners notes. You CAN look up ( ↑) for inspiration, down (↓) in desperation, but you CAN NOT look left or right (↔) for information.
Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson Do you agree with Emerson’s idea that people should go their own way, rather than follow the crowd? Think about this for a moment, then explain your answer to your partner. Remember to provide evidence for your viewpoint.
Ticket Out In order to exit the class today, you must write a paragraph on this topic: “How can teenagers be individuals rather than followers of a crowd?” Please provide evidence for your viewpoint in your writing (show knowledge, make a connection….)
Flocabulary Warm-up Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Do NOT look at your lyrics, cheaters! Complete the flocabulary crossword puzzles – this time you CAN look at your lyrics!
Self-Reliance- vocabulary Please take one of the worksheets from up front and assess how well you know (or can guess from context) the meaning of the words. Emerson - Self-Reliance
Self-Reliance Guide to Annotation – CLOSE Reading of Self-Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson – Day #1 – Read over the article and make annotations (dialogue with the text)
The Plot Against People– Say Something! 1.With your partner, decide who will say something first. 2.When you say something, do one or more of the following: Identify an unfamiliar word Make a prediction Ask a question Make a connection Make a comment 3.If you cannot do one of the above, you need to re- read. 4.The other person responds to what was said.
Ticket Out In order to leave the classroom today, each student must share something their partner said during the “Say Something” activity. What you share must be meaningful and relevant or you will have to try again.
Vocabulary Quiz time! Please take the next 10 minutes to review your vocabulary words for the quiz. Use this time wisely or it will be taken away!
Achieve 3000 Get yourself a laptop from the cart and work on You need to finish two articles before you leave today! Don’t forget about the contest – let’s win! If you choose not to work on achieve, you can be working on your senior project or paper. These are your only choices!!