1 Chopsticks fork and knife What’s different? Gentleness and benevolence
2 Planning a Visit to Miami Listening 1
3 Reach agreement? Planning a Visit to Miami Charlie Steve Paul
4 They are talking about how…
5 Charlie Steve Paul Planning a Visit to Miami Flying is too expensive.
6 Charlie Steve Paul Planning a Visit to Miami
7 Charlie Steve Paul Planning a Visit to Miami can’t fall asleep too uncomfortable
8 Charlie Steve Paul Planning a Visit to Miami won’t go by bus seats: too small Room: not enough for my leg
9 Charlie Steve Paul Too old to take on a long trip Rent a car? Too expensive Share the expense Won’t cost too much
10 Charlie Steve Paul How long? On the road 2 or 3 days Too much time spend in car Enough time? New semester to start Take turns driving & sleeping
11 Charlie Steve Paul A good place: Very comfortable Wear casual clothes Inexpensive Good food At home Terrible!
12 What’s in the different Culture?
13 rent a car share the expense take turns driving and sleeping The new semester is going to start on Jan. 15. winter vacation (from Christmas to Jan. 10 around) summer vacation (from the early June or July to early September) spring break (early March)
14 Punctuality Listening Task 2 Punctual: acting or arriving at the exact time appointed
15 What Culture? It is not in the British psychology to squeeze 25 hours out of 24. Every one is slow. The British get used to it. Lateness in appointment There are various reasons due to travel (including public transport) and weather conditions. British people hate to be like clock-work when having fun. It’s not rudeness, but simply a relaxed attitude towards recreation. To extract by pressure
16 What Culture? The British are mad about crossword puzzles. means to while away time help in calming one down make people feel less stressful
17 A little Movie: Forgiving
18 roosterAnnabel & Julie ?? boy Angel
19 grudges When we hold grudges, it’s like gaining a little dirt on our hearts. forgive we we forgive, our hearts start getting clean again and we are happier too. So remember, when we forgive someone else, we’re doing them and ourselves a big favor.
20 a pure heart when we hold grudges impure
21 learning a foreign language is learning the cultural difference.