Numeracy – First Level Lesson 1 BBC Children in Need 2015 Delete before using in lesson: Available to print from this document: Learner sheets (slides 4, 6, 8, 10 and 16)
In this lesson, we will… Learn about data handling with pictograms and bar graphs Consider ways that we can be Champions and raise money for BBC Children in Need
Introduction to BBC Children in Need Video clip 2 Introduction to BBC Children in Need (Click image to play video)
Pudsey Pictogram to show the money raised for BBC Children in Need Year 6 Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Key = £10
Working with a Learning Partner look carefully at the Pudsey Pictogram Using the KEY to help you, answer the questions about the Pudsey Pictogram Numeracy challenge
Pudsey Pictogram Questions How many questions can you and your Learning Partner answer? Which class raised the most money for BBC Children in Need? ____ How much did Year 3 raise for BBC Children in Need? _____ Which two classes raised the same amount of money? _____ Which class raised £45 for BBC Children in Need? _____ How much did Year 5 raise for BBC Children in Need? _____ How much money was raised altogether? _____ If everyone in Year 2 donated £1 how many children must there be in that class? _____ The Year 4 teacher doubled their class amount, what would their new total be? _____ Names: Date:
How did you do? Give your answers to someone else to mark Listen carefully as your teacher goes through the answers
Pudsey Bar Graph Bar Graph to show Pudsey cupcakes sold in the BBC Children in Need Bake Sale BBC Children in Need bake sale favourite cupcake colours
Working with a Learning Partner look carefully at the Pudsey Cupcake Bar Graph Answer the questions about the Pudsey Cupcake Bar Graph Mathematics challenge
Pudsey Bar Graph Questions How many questions can you and your Learning Partner answer? Which was the most popular cupcake colour? ____ How many children bought pink cupcakes? ____ How many different colour cupcakes were available? ____ Which colour cupcakes sold 6? ____ How many white cupcakes were sold? ____ How many cupcakes were sold altogether? ____ If cupcakes were 20p each how much money was made on pink cupcakes? ____ The Headteacher bought half the red cupcakes, how many did he buy? ____ Names: Date:
How did you do? Give your answers to another pair to mark Listen carefully as your teacher goes through the answers
BBC Children in Need is a UK charity which gives money to projects to help children in the UK. How can we be Champions and raise as much money as possible to help?
What could we do to fundraise and become Champions of Change? Video clip 4 Fundraising ideas from our friends
A charity is an organisation that raises money to do good, or support those in need. Partner Task How can we help? How can we be champions and raise money to help those in need? Talk to your Learning Partner Think about the fundraising themes: BAKE – CHALLENGE – ENTERTAIN – DRESS-UP
Time to put your fundraising ideas on to paper Listen to everyone's ideas as they share with the class. Which ones do you like? Now write or draw some of the best ideas. Writing time
My favourite fundraising idea for our class
Well done for today… Remember that it doesn’t always take a big thing to make a difference, sometimes even a little help makes a lot of difference. When we fundraise for BBC Children in Need, even the smallest donation could make a big difference to a child just like you. Why not discuss your ideas with learners from other classes at break or lunchtime? So, be champions and let’s get fundraising, so that we have something to celebrate in the… Celebration of champions
In this lesson have you… Learnt about data handling with pictograms and bar graphs? Considered ways that we can raise money for BBC Children in Need? Next time, you will decide on the best fundraising idea for your class to raise money for BBC Children in Need.
Extension activity
Can you create a Powerful Pudsey Pictogram? On the school playground or in the school hall work together to create a giant Pudsey pictogram Giant Pictogram