Anglický jazyk The United Kingdom - Geography 4. Mgr. Helena Slaninová VY_22_INOVACE_SLA_AJ.4_2_21
QUESTIONS Across 1. the Isle o f W the density of population the world 7. the Isle of M The British Isles consist of 2 islands 11. the highest peak in Scotland 14. the highest peak in England 15. the highest peak in Wales 17. R.P.English (or Oxford, BBC English) 18. the most famous lake for a monster 20. the C... mountains (England) 21. London dialect Down 2. a group of islands - the H other languages than English...W../S../I.G the G... mountains (Scotland) 5. the C... mountains (Wales) 8. boundary between Scot.xEngl. 10. between England and France there is… 12. a group of islands - the S...islands main regions of GB (l.../h...B...) 16. the Isle of A the narrowest point between England and France 22. a group of islands - the O...islands
A NSWERS Across 1. the Isle o f W... - Wight 6. the density of population the world – the highest 7. the Isle of M... - Man 9. The British Isles consist of 2 islands - Great Britain, Ireland 11. the highest peak in Scotland - Ben Nevis 14. the highest peak in England - Safely Pike 15. the highest peak in Wales - Snowdon 17. R.P.English (or Oxford, BBC English) - received pronunciation 18. the most famous lake for a monster - Loch Ness 20. the C... mountains (England) - Cumbrian 21. London dialect - Cockney Down 2. a group of islands - the H... - Hebrides 3. other languages than English...W../S../I.G... - Welsh, Scottish, Irish Gaelic 4. the G... mountains (Scotland) - Grampian 5. the C... mountains (Wales) - Cambrian 8. boundary between Scot.xEngl. - Cheviot Hills 10. between England and France there is… - English Channel 12. a group of islands - the S...islands - Shetland main regions of GB (l.../h...B...) - lowland, highland Britain 16. the Isle of A... - Anglesey 19. the narrowest point between England and France - Strait of Dover 22. a group of islands - the O...islands - Orkney
P OUŽITÉ ZDROJE Text křížovky autorka DUMu Mgr. Helena Slaninová Autorka čerpala ze svého dlouhodobého pobytu ve Velké Británii