One Scotland Gazetteer Hugh McMichael Senior Consultant – OSG Custodian
What is the OSG? Scotland’s National Gazetteer, combining the 32 local authority gazetteers LPI Logical StatusLPI Count Approved3,093,297 Postally Addressable2,762,554 Historical224,004 Provisional56,363 Alternative30,226 Street TypeUSRN Count Named - 180,101 Described - 253,851 Numbered - 315,960 Unofficial - 43,156
What’s in an address? 11 West Street Tobermory Isle of Mull PA75 6QZ UPRN PAO_START_NUMBER – 11 STREET_DESCRIPTOR – West Street TOWN – Tobermory POST TOWN – Isle of Mull Classification? X-Ref? Organisation? Successor?
Property Lifecycle Records are created at an early stage in their build process Property records are updated as and when their addresses change Addition of alternative names are also included Property records are historicised if the properties are no longer present Records are retained in their historic state.
History of the OSG Pre March, 2010 DTFs uploaded by OSG custodian monthly Quality reports sent out monthly Post March, 2010 Development of OSG Portal Enhanced options for supply of data to customers
OSG Portal Now
Roles of the LA/OSG Custodians Maintenance of their local gazetteer Upload to the One Scotland Gazetteer Review of any flagged records Assistance with any address queries raised by a customer Assistance with any nationally-led work regarding the One Scotland Gazetteer
AddressBase Implementation Significant data quality improvement carried out Amendments to Scottish conventions to bring data in line with national conventions Assistance with PAF matching Assistance with customer address queries
Recipients of OSG Data Local Authorities Local Valuation Joint Boards National Projects E.g. Citizens Account Emergency Services Further OSMA members Ordnance Survey Members of the public through OSG website
Currency Pre March, 2010 Data uploaded on a monthly basis Post March, 2013 FrequencyLA Count Weekly19 Fortnightly7 Monthly3 > Monthly3
Record Count
Rejected Record Count
KPI Standards Local authorities performance is based on a number of KPI criteria Currency, quality, completeness, queries StandardLA Count Gold20 Silver9 Bronze1 Attaining National Standard1 Below National Standard1
Further Development Always looking to improve data quality Further OSG portal development Same day upload Spatial COU exports Enhanced address resolution Assisting with the provision of OSG data to an ever-growing number of customers Implementation of the OSG to further address datasets.
thinkWhere Glendevon House Castle Business Park Stirling FK9 4TZ t: f: e: Any Questions?