19 th March 2013 Alcohol Awareness and Brief Interventions Training
Alcohol Impacts Upon Work Men drinking more than 14 units a week are 20% more likely to be absent from work because of injury 200,000 approx. turn up at work every day with a hangover It is workers who are not classed as alcohol dependent that are the major contributors to the £6.4bn annual loss to UK commerce caused by alcohol Up to 17 million sick days are taken each year in the UK because of alcohol
Estimated to be the 3 rd highest risk factor for ill health in the EU, after tobacco and hypertension Causal relationship with > 60 medical conditions, incl. Liver disease, cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, Unintentional and intentional injuries, accidents, injuries, falls Family Problems- conflict, erratic child discipline, social isolation
National Training Programme Co-ordinated by Public Health Wales Accredited by RCN and Agored Cymru 2 Hour Session Deliver at trainees location Groups of about 6-20 but flexible on numbers ABI
What is an Alcohol Brief Intervention? “A short, evidence-based, structured conversation about alcohol consumption with a client to motivate and support the individual to think about and/or plan a change in their drinking behaviour in order to reduce their consumption” NHS Scotland (2009)
ABI: a Dual Function Intervention Provide a valuable framework to facilitate referral of cases of alcohol dependence to specialised services
Non Drinke r Hazardous DrinkingHarmful Drinking Percentage of Welsh Population (approx) 12%8% 44%36% Sensible Drinking Potentially Addicted / Dependant Alcohol in Wales
The ‘Good to Go’ Boxes Availability of teachable moments when people are ready and able to engage with ABI Regular contact with people with an alcohol problem Practical opportunity to deliver ABI. Cardiff & Vale University Health Board
Alcohol in Wales Percentage who reported drinking above guidelines on at least one day in the past week, by age and sex
Binge Drinking By Local Authority WHS 2012
Alcohol Brief Intervention (ABI) Pathway Raise the issue or look/ listen for ‘Triggers’ Screen and give feedback Listen for readiness to change Use a suitable approach Exit strategy – remember that you or the client can stop the conversation at any time Close the conversation but keep an ‘open door’ and sign post or refer onto further support Build Confidence Motivate Coping Strategies Info and advice Menu of Options
Any Questions? Or to book you and your staff on a course Drop us Carol Foster Public Health Practitioner Craig Jones Senior Public Health Practitioner