LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION Get Ready Before you begin, decide if you agree or disagree with each of these statements. As you view this presentation, see if you change your mind about any of the statements. What do you think? 4 Metamorphic Rocks
Get Ready LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION Do you agree or disagree? With the right pressure and temperature conditions, minerals in a rock can change shape without breaking or melting. Metamorphic rocks have layers that form as minerals melt and recrystallize. 4 Metamorphic Rocks
Key Concepts/Essential Questions LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION 4 Metamorphic Rocks How do metamorphic rocks form? How do types of metamorphic rock differ?
Vocabulary Watch out for these words! LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION metamorphism plastic deformation foliated rock nonfoliated rock contact metamorphism regional metamorphism 4 Metamorphic Rocks
LESSON LESSON INTRODUCTION 4 Metamorphic Rocks How did this wrinkle? Look at the photo at the beginning of the lesson. Sediment is usually deposited in horizontal layers. Under the right conditions, those layers can be bent and twisted. Imagine the incredible amount of pressure required to cause solid rock, such as this, to bend!
LESSON 4 Metamorphic Rocks
Lesson Review LESSON LESSON WRAP-UP Do you agree or disagree? With the right pressure and temperature conditions, minerals in a rock can change shape without breaking or melting. 4 Metamorphic Rocks Agree. During metamorphosis, minerals in rock either align themselves in layers to form rocks, such as schist or gneiss, or recrystallize to form rocks, such as marble or quartzite.
Lesson Review LESSON LESSON WRAP-UP Do you agree or disagree? Metamorphic rocks have layers that form as minerals melt and recrystallize. 4 Metamorphic Rocks Disagree. Metamorphic rocks have layers that form as minerals recrystallize in the solid state without ever melting.
Key Concept/Essential Question Review LESSON LESSON WRAP-UP How do metamorphic rocks form? 4 Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks form from a parent rock that has been exposed to increases in temperature, pressure, or the addition of chemical fluids.
Key Concept/Essential Question Review LESSON LESSON WRAP-UP How do types of metamorphic rock differ? 4 Metamorphic Rocks Some metamorphic rocks have foliated textures and are deformed. Others are composed of coarse and blocky crystals that are uniform in color.