Lab Results Interfaces S&I Framework Initiative Bi-Weekly Initiative Meeting July 18, 2011
Agenda Moving Forward LRI Validation Suite/Pilots Update Implementation Guide Update Workgroup Updates Q&A + Group Discussion 2
Summer of Standards Harmonization Major Upcoming Milestones We Are Here IG Recommendation April: Lab Reporting Implementation Guide Analysis – policy and Conceptual Designs drafted In-scope Test approach reviewed and outlined May: Recommendations for IG Clinical Information Models drafted Conceptual Designs completed Vocabulary alignments completed Complete Public Health High Level Roadmap AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptOct F2F Meeting Begin Code Development June: Final F2F Meeting to come to consensus (proposed Jun 13-15) Prepare documented specifications and handoff to RI/DP Model and XML-Driven Specifications drafted Finalized XML and Model-Driven Spec Handoffs to RI/DP and begin working code development July: Recommendation to HITSC Initial Pilot Implementations August: Review working code/pilots with UCR/Harmonization (user acceptance) September: “Key Stakeholder” Messaging and Outreach Fall: Draft MU Stage 2 Rule 3
LRI Validation Suite WG Charter (Draft: subject to WG member consensus) Purpose –Provide a suite of HL7v2 validation tools for testing LRI conformance –Provide a set of test data for LRI Test Results –Determine whether the LRI Implementation Guide (IG) is valid Scope –NIST and the LRI Validation Workgroup will collaborate in tool development –Extent of CLIA message compliance will be explicitly reported –LRI Workgroup members will serve as SMEs to develop lab message test data Objectives –Design and build LRI sender (e.g., LIS) and receiver (e.g., EHR) simulators capable of working together to handle LRI-compliant HL7 messages –Design and build CLIA Compliance tool with reporting –Formulate and generate complete lab test data set –Provide feedback to LRI IG, and Vocabulary Workgroup of test results (esp. OIDS, UCUM, SNOMED CT and LOINC) Action Items –Establish Workgroup –Call for Volunteers: WG Committed Members and WG Leads –Establish collaborative environment with NIST –Software Development –Test Data and Test Plan –Conduct User Acceptance Testing
LRI Pilots WG Charter (Draft: subject to WG member consensus) Purpose –Provide Specifications and Project Management for the LRI Pilots –Determine whether the LRI Implementation Guide (IG) is implementable –Determine if the Vocabulary concepts being developed as a part of LRI are implementable –Determine if the Laboratory Tests and Test Results definition defined by the Use Case are implementable. Scope –Production level LISs and EHRs –IHE Connectathon/HIMSS Interoperability Showcase eligible Objectives –Complete the Pilot Testing goals outlined in the LRI Strategy Statement –Answer the question: is LRI implementable? Action Items –Establish Workgroup –Call for Volunteers: WG Committed Members and WG Leads –Build a list of potential Pilot participants –Capture lessons learned from existing Lab Pilots –Conduct Pilots and Document Lessons Learned
Implementation Guide Update An Implementation Guide Tiger Team was created to move the IG forward and ensure technical and grammatical accuracy. LRI WG Leads will provide additional SME expertise and overview for guide development. Bob Yencha created a starting point for building the new IG, beginning with the Public Health guide because it has multiple profiles built in A draft LRI IG was distributed Friday, July 15 th for review by this tiger team. Guide development will be coordinated with the Use Case and the Vocab WGs for their content to be written and incorporated into the guide Awaiting update from HL7 on whether their HIT technical steering committee approved the IG project for balloting out-of-cycle The Implementation Guide Executive Summary slide deck for ONC’s presentation to the HIT Steering Committee will be completed this week and posted to the wiki. 6
Implementation Guide Analysis WG Volunteer Leads: Ken McCaslin, Hans Buitendijk Action Items/Next Steps Complete data type variance analysis this week Offer subject matter expertise for the Implementation Guide Tiger Team Next Steps WG Leads will support Lab IG content and editorial review to move draft towards HL7 balloting 7
Vocabulary WG Volunteer Lead: Cindy Johns Action Items The Vocab Consensus Statement was officially closed for voting COB Friday July 15 th. Comments will continue to be reviewed over the coming days All consensus recommendations are on this page for review, and these recommendations may be incorporated into the Lab IG as needed. Next Steps Tuesday’s meeting will mark the closure of the Vocab WG in its present form; moving forward, the WG will focus on the pending new HL7 table for Universal Service Class for the IG WG 8
Architecture & Implementation Requirements WG Volunteer Leads: Robert Lutolf and Rob Allen Action Items The main wiki page was restructured to appropriately reflect the different projects and initiatives within the Arch/IR WG Next Steps Final consensus votes for the LRI Pilot Demonstration, Sequence Diagrams/Activity Diagrams, Deployment Models, and LRI Policy and Service Identification will be reviewed during Monday’s meeting The Arch/IR WG will be breaking into two new WGs: Validation Suite Workgroup and a Pilots Workgroup 9
Public Health Lab Reporting WG Volunteer Leads: Kosta Makrodimitris, Riki Merrick, Anna Orlova Action Items The name of the initiative is up for debate to reflect the WG’s updated charter – “Public Health Reporting” or “Public Health Case Reporting”? Focus on identifying a full picture of Public Health Reporting and identifying the Use Cases and standards associated with that Next Steps Continue working on defining short and long term milestones in the charter 10