Student Activities Region 2 IEEE Region-2 Executive Committee Meeting Baltimore, MD 19 February 2010 Li Bai Student Activities Chair Andrew Thompson Regional Student Representative
State of the Region Statistics: 79 IEEE Student Branches in Region 2 (Up from 78 last year and 77 from Sept 2009) 28 of these branches are below 10 national members (Compare to 30 last year and 36 from Sept 2009) New this year: Increasing communication with student branches: New Student Regional Team: All areas of R2 have Student representation. (First time in R2 History) Region 2 Meeting and SAC – Same Time Student Branches becoming involved in other Sections
Introducing the Region 2 Student Team: Central Area Rep: Richard King Upper West Area Rep: Eric Cheung East Area Rep: Sudarshan Kandi Lower West Area Rep: Dimitri Savelieff South Area Rep: Kelly Davis
2010 Student Activities Conference Temple University Back for SAC 2009 Conference - Brown Bag Hardware Design - Micromouse Competition - Paper Competition - Project Showcase - Ethics Competition - Job Fair Banquet keynote Speech New for SAC 2010 T-shirt Competition Physics Competition Musical Performance: Ben Neill Increased IEEE Society involvement AESS, WIE, GOLD R1 Involvement
2010 IEEE Region-2 Student Activities Conference April 16-18, 2010 at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA Breakfast & Networking Leadership Workshop Gold Workshop Will run concurrently with Leadership workshop for graduating seniors. Lockheed Martin address AESS Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Competitions Career Fair Runs concurrently with the competitions
Pyramid Club Address by R2 Executive Committee Keynote Speech –Dr. Moshe Kam: President-Elect, IEEE Awards Distribution Musical Performance: Ben Neill Awards Banquet
Most attended SAC R2 History –Close to students are expected Expected Total Cost: $65, Total fundraised: $21, –$5,000 AES –$5,000 Lockheed Martin Expected R2 contribution: $21, Estimated R1 contribution: $3, Total deficit: $19, –All numbers are approximations Temple University will assist in fundraising to cover deficit. Projected Numbers