BILAL IBN RABAH Iram Azhar Majeed
TOPICS Who is Bilal Ibn Rabah His first adhan Divine justice His high recommendation
WHO IS BILAL IBN RABAH Bilal Ibn Rabah was a man who was a messenger. Bilal hoped for a reward simply by doing what Allah has asked any person to do- which was to pray with ablution for that prayer. Bilal of course was a humble man. He did not seek recognition in his deeds. He did not make a lot of noise when he was talking in a conversation or even discussion.
BILAL’S FIRST ADHAN When Bilal Ibn Rabah made his first adhan over Madinah, Later his voice was heard over Makkah, coming from the top of the Ka’bah itself. Bilal’s voice was the voice of comfort, of security, of longing belief of Islam. Bilal continued to study and work with the Muslims as soon immigrated to Madinah where he made Salah with everyone in Rasulullah’s masjid.
DIVINE JUSTICE Bilal participated in several early battles. When he was fighting in the Battle of Badr he came face to face with his former master. They both challenged each other that they will fight against one another Bilal killed Umayyah! Afterwards Abu Bakr said “ O Bilal, how sweet is Allah’s justice! Once after the Battle of Khaibar, Rasulullah asked for a volunteer to see overnight. But Bilal fell asleep before his watch was through Everyone woke up due to the heat of the sun, they had missed Fajr. It was dawn when they bean to ride. When Rasulullah had gone a short distance on is camel he stopped dismounted and asked everyone to make wudu. He told Bilal to make adhan. After prayer Rasulullah told the people “ If you forget your Salah, preform it when you remember it”
BILAL’S HIGH RECOMMENDATION Bilal remained unmarried and spent all his time in the masjid. Finally Rasulullah revealed that it was time for him to have a family. One day Abdar Rehman came to him and said that his sister was trying to find a suitable man to marry. Rasulullah asked “ How about Bilal?” Abdur Rehamn had no answer. Rasulullah kept on asking him until he said “ my sister would be happy to be the wife of the man you hold in such high esteem” By Iram Azhar Majeed