Junior Information Session The Year of the Tests! Class of 2013 Fall Meeting
Junior Team Mr. Gary Johnson- PrincipalMr. Gary Johnson- Principal Mrs. Betty Lowry- CounselorMrs. Betty Lowry- Counselor Mrs. Lanell Griffin- Principal SecretaryMrs. Lanell Griffin- Principal Secretary Mrs. Darla Shirley- Post-Secondary CounselorMrs. Darla Shirley- Post-Secondary Counselor Ms. Christina Gomez- Counselor SecretaryMs. Christina Gomez- Counselor Secretary Mrs. Diane Balch- RegistrarMrs. Diane Balch- Registrar Mrs. Angela Prade- Assistant RegistrarMrs. Angela Prade- Assistant Registrar Mr. Lee Ray Haynes- Testing CoordinatorMr. Lee Ray Haynes- Testing Coordinator
Junior Timeline Tree MHS Website- Counselor’s Corner & Class News Graduation Requirements College & Career Center PSAT College Night SAT/ACT
Graduation Requirements Recommended Plan 26 State Credits 4 Credits Each- Core Subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) ½ Credit- Communication Application 1 Credit- Physical Education 2 Credits- Foreign Language 1 Credit- Fine Arts 5.5 State- Elective Credits Distinguished Plan 26 State Credits 4 Credits Each- Core Subjects (English, Math, Science *IPC does not count, Social Studies) ½ Credit- Communication Application 1 Credit- Physical Education 3 Credits- Foreign Language 1 Credit- Fine Arts 4.5 State Elective Credits 4 Advanced Measures
What is PSAT/NMSQT? PSAT = Preliminary SAT NMSQT = National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Junior Year Over 1.5 million Juniors will test in October 50,000 high scorers will be identified in April Senior Year 16,000 Semifinalists & 34,000 Commended will be named in September 15,000 Finalists will be announced in February Over 8,000 Scholarships will be awarded
PSAT & SAT Comparison PSAT Critical Reading (80) Math (80) Writing Skills (80) –No Essay Perfect Score = 240 SAT Critical Reading (800) Math (800) Writing Skills (800) –Essay (2-12 Points) Perfect Score = 2400 National Merit Corporation determines who will be identified as Semifinalists or Commended based on the Selection Index of the PSAT scores from Junior Year Selection Index (SI) = CR + M + W
SAT & ACT Registration Dates
SAT/ACT Timeline Take both SAT & ACT your Junior year. PSAT- All Juniors will take PSAT Wednesday, October 12 th at MHS. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED Subject tests- No SAT subject tests are offered in March!
Internet Resources
SELECTIVE SERVICE MALES- When you turn 18 you are required by law to register for Selective Service at
Got It! Any Questions?