WHAT IS AN OPINION COMPOSITION? you express your viewpoint on a definite subject you support it with coherent arguments.
HOW DO YOU WRITE IT? Opinion essay writing is all about clear structure.
HOW DO YOU WRITE IT? 1.Underline the vocabulary in the question and write down with the related meaning. Your class has been doing a project on “Animals in Danger”. Your teacher would now like you to write a composition to answer the following questions: What can ordinary people do to protect endangered species? What do you think is the best way for them to do this?”
HOW DO YOU WRITE IT? 2. Think about your reader who is going to read the composition? Which style of writing will you use? What format?
HOW DO YOU WRITE IT? 3. Think about vocabulary Many animals today are threatened with … Many animals today are … Many animals are becoming … extinction dying out extinct
HOW DO YOU WRITE IT? 4. Try to make you opinion essay bright and impressive by enriching it with personal experience and clear examples. This will contribute to the success with the audience.
When you give your opinion: 1.Give examples 2.Explain Assume the reader knows NOTHING about the topic.
Be CLEAR and PRECISE. Use appropriate language.
USEFUL LANGUAGE GIVING AN OPINION In my opinion, … Personally, I think …. I believe that …. It seems to me that ….
USEFUL LANGUAGE GIVING FACTS It is a fact that … It is widely known that …. There is/are definitely … It is true that ….
USEFUL LANGUAGE OTHERS’ POINTS OF VIEWS It is widely said that … It is believed that ….
USEFUL LANGUAGE REASON AND RESULT As a result, …. Therefore …. My main reason is …. Another reason is ….
USEFUL LANGUAGE ADDITION What’s more … In addition … Furthermore … Also
USEFUL LANGUAGE CONCLUDING To sum up, … To conclude, … In conclusion, … It is clear that …
New developments in agriculture include factory farming and the creation of new fruits and vegetables. Many people believe, however, that huge industrial farms and genetically modified plants are dangerous and that we need to go back to smaller, more natural farming. Do you agree with the developments in farming? An example
There have been big changes in farming in the last 50 years. Scientists have developed new plants and farmers are using more machines and growing bigger crops and herds. However, some people are worried about the effect of these developments on people and the environment. In this essay, I will show why we need to be careful with our farming. Of course agriculture needs to develop. First of all, we need more food for the world’s increasing population. More people means more mouths to feed. Secondly, there is less land and water available. As a result, we need to use it more efficiently and produce more. A third point is that we need to reduce waste. A huge amount of food is lost due to disease, insects, rats, decay, or poor handling.
However, not all the changes in agriculture are positive. To begin with, some new discoveries such as GMO foods may be dangerous. We don’t know the effect of these foods on humans. Secondly, we keep animals in bad conditions. Hens, cows and other animals are crowded together in sheds or cages, unable to move, and sometimes fed unsuitable food. This can affect the quality of the food, and disease can spread quickly. Finally, farming today has become a business. This means profit comes first. In the past, it was a way of life, and the farmer was closer to his environment. In conclusion, farming has to change in order to feed the world, but it also needs to produce good food and not affect the environment. As consumers, we need to make sure that our food is produced properly, not just cheaply.
There have been big changes in farming in the last 50 years. Scientists have developed new plants and farmers are using more machines and growing bigger crops and herds. However, some people are worried about the effect of these developments on people and the environment. In this essay, I will show why we need to be careful with our farming. situation examples Other side
Of course agriculture needs to develop. First of all, we need more food for the world’s increasing population. More people means more mouths to feed. Secondly, there is less land and water available. As a result, we need to use it more efficiently and produce more. A third point is that we need to reduce waste. A huge amount of food is lost due to disease, insects, rats, decay, or poor handling. Topic sentence: we need new methods of farming Second idea: we have less land and water Third idea: we waste too much food We need more food
However, not all the changes in agriculture are positive. To begin with, some new discoveries such as GMO foods may be dangerous. We don’t know the effect of these foods on humans. Secondly, we keep animals in bad conditions. Hens, cows and other animals are crowded together in sheds or cages, unable to move, and sometimes fed unsuitable food. This can affect the quality of the food, and disease can spread quickly. Finally, farming today has become a business. This means profit comes first. In the past, it was a way of life, and the farmer was closer to his environment. Topic sentence: not all changes are good First idea: GMF can be dangerous Second idea: we don’t treat animals well Third idea: farming is no longer a way of life
In conclusion, farming has to change in order to feed the world, but it also needs to produce good food and not affect the environment. As consumers, we need to make sure that our food is produced properly, not just cheaply. Conclusion: one side summary Conclusion: other side summary Conclusion: Future - what we need to do
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TASK. Work in pairs and write the layout of the following compositions. The rapid pace of development is damaging our environment. Some people say the answer is for all of us to lead a simpler life, but others say that technology can help solve our environmental problems. What do you think?
Our planet is definitely suffering from the effects of seven billion people. Is the answer to go back to living in villages and farms, or is it to find new technological solutions for our problems? In this essay, I will say why we need to consider both these options. Technology by itself cannot solve our environmental problems. First of all, it is neutral, neither good nor bad: Only the user can decide how it is to be used. Secondly, it is difficult to imagine in advance how new technology can be used, or misused. For example, if we learned how to produce endless cheap energy, would the results be necessarily all good? A third point is that technology generally belongs, at least at the beginning, to the rich and powerful, who use it for their own ends.
However, we cannot just shun technology and go back to living simple lives in villages. For one thing, there would not be enough space in our rural areas. Imagine if all Bangkok’s or Mumbai’s millions left the city and went back to farming or weaving. But we can make a difference by consuming much less, and reusing what we have. A switch from meat to vegetables or beans for one or two days a week would keep us healthier and reduce pressure on the Amazon rainforest. Walking instead of driving, demanding that products be recycled, and thinking about our consumption would make a huge difference.
In conclusion, we should look at ways of using technology to tackle environmental issues, rather than using it for mindless consumerism. When future generations see our mountains of abandoned cars and iPods, what will they think of us? Or will they get the chance?