The new labor market requirements in Romania Dr. Adina Ionescu “Octav Onicescu” National College
General information about Romania Area: sq. km Area: sq. km Population: Population: Labor Force: 9.33 million (2006 est.) Labor Force: 9.33 million (2006 est.) Labor Force by occupation: Labor Force by occupation: - agriculture: 31.6 % - industry: 30.7% - Services: 37.7%
General information about Romania Unemployment rate: 6.1% (2006) Unemployment rate: 6.1% (2006) Capital: Bucharest Capital: Bucharest Significant periods: Significant periods: : the transition period (beginning of harmonization with the EU requirements) : implementation of the new EU regulations and indicators
The new labor market requirements According to the requirements of the “Lisbon Strategy”, Romania pays attention to the economic development based on science, technology, innovation, investing and research; According to the requirements of the “Lisbon Strategy”, Romania pays attention to the economic development based on science, technology, innovation, investing and research; The new labor market requirements are oriented towards: - managerial skills The new labor market requirements are oriented towards: - managerial skills - the new technology - the new technology - networks of technological transfer. - networks of technological transfer.
Conclusion of some national statistics The large enterprises are more innovative than SMEs; The large enterprises are more innovative than SMEs; The main source of innovation is import of technology and equipment of high quality rather than the result of the Romanian activity of research; The main source of innovation is import of technology and equipment of high quality rather than the result of the Romanian activity of research; The foreign companies are the promoters of research and technology transfer. The foreign companies are the promoters of research and technology transfer.
The percentage of persons who attend higher education institutions of real profile Students participating in tertiary education (2005): Students participating in tertiary education (2005): - in science, maths, and computing: 5.5% - in engineering, manufacturing and construction: 23.5% Doctors: - in science, maths and computing: 4.3% - in engineering, manufacturing and construction: 11.6 %
Jobs offers The most numerous jobs available at the moment on the most used Romanian web addresses are on the following domains: The most numerous jobs available at the moment on the most used Romanian web addresses are on the following domains: - IT/ Hardware/Software/Technologies/Internet - Sales/Marketing/Commerce - Management/Counselling - Finance/Accounting/ Banks - Secretariat/Administrative work - Engineering/Construction - Clients services/ Telecommunication
Cities/towns with a big offer of available jobs Bucharest: 6168 available jobs; Bucharest: 6168 available jobs; Timisoara: 715 available jobs; Timisoara: 715 available jobs; Cluj Napoca: 578 available jobs; Cluj Napoca: 578 available jobs; Brasov : 423 available jobs; Brasov : 423 available jobs; Constanta : 323 available jobs Constanta : 323 available jobs
Web addresses for available jobs
Reference “Recent developments in the production of S&T statistics and indicators in See Countries”, National Institute of Statistics (NIS), National Authority for Scientific Research (NASR), Science Technology and Innovation Indicators: Trends and Challenges in South Eastern Europe, March 2007, Skopje, UNESCO (BRESCE and UIS); “Recent developments in the production of S&T statistics and indicators in See Countries”, National Institute of Statistics (NIS), National Authority for Scientific Research (NASR), Science Technology and Innovation Indicators: Trends and Challenges in South Eastern Europe, March 2007, Skopje, UNESCO (BRESCE and UIS); CIA- The World Factbook; CIA- The World Factbook;
Projects presented in this paper are funded with support from the European Commission through Socrates / Grundtvig 2 program. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.