FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. Insurance products are issued by: John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), Boston, MA (not licensed in New York) and John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York, Valhalla, NY © 2011 John Hancock. All rights reserved. 1 Choose the Easier Way to Submit Your Cases Intent to Buy
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 2 Overview Take a look at some of the key features that the Intent to Buy process offers: –Simple to use: Electronic “smart form” guides the Financial Advisor (FA) through the screens required to complete the Ticket –Right the first time: John Hancock required forms are automatically included in the completed Intent-to-Buy submission* –Flexible: Three submission options available – e-Submission with e-Signature e-Submission with wet signature Paper submission with wet signature Intent-to-buy is currently available for single-life Term and single-life Universal Life. *The FA should visit JonesLink for any Edward Jones required forms
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 3 Accessing the Online “Smart Form” The FA has two options for accessing Intent to Buy – both available via JH SalesNet for Edward Jones ( Select “Intent to Buy” from the “Intent to Buy & Forms” menu, then click “Start a New Case” 2 Choose “JH Illustrator Edward Jones” from the home page and click the “Create Ticket” button after running an illustration 1
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 4 Completing the Online “Smart Form” Fields in yellow are required and must be completed to obtain an “in good order” submission A valid address is required for the Proposed Insured if e-Signing and e-Submitting* = = Indicates “in good order” (i.e. all required fields have been completed) Indicates “not in good order” (i.e. there is missing information from required fields) ? √ *Please note, if the FA is submitting business on him/herself, a personal address must be used for the client portion (i.e., an cannot be used)
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 5 Completing the Online “Smart Form” (cont’d) Enter beneficiary information. John Hancock allows up to four each of primary and secondary beneficiaries
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 6 Completing the Online “Smart Form” (cont’d) The “Coverage Details” fields will be automatically populated with information from the Illustration. If any information is incorrect, a new illustration and ticket will need to be created.
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 7 Completing the Online “Smart Form” (cont’d) If automatic bank draft is selected as the preferred premium payment method (see “Coverage Details” screen), the account information can be entered in intent to buy
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 8 Lock the Ticket Before selecting a signature method, the Ticket will need to be locked A locked Ticket provides you with a complete application package, including all applicable John Hancock disclosures and additional forms Sections not in good order (indicated by a red box with question mark) need to be completed before the Ticket can be locked Previously entered information can be edited, prior to submitting the Ticket, by clicking on “Unlock Data and Cancel Signature Process” – this will unlock the Ticket. Once the necessary changes have been made, re-lock the Ticket and proceed to the “Signature Method” page
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 9 Select Signature Method The FA can choose from three signature/submission options: –Obtain e-Signatures via (both the FA and the client), and e-Submit the Ticket –Obtain wet signatures and e-Submit the Ticket –Print, wet sign, scan and submit to Insurance Services Note – if replacing a permanent life insurance policy or an annuity, the FA will only be able to select the “paper submission with wet signature” option
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 10 e-Signature and e-Submission Process
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 11 e-Signature Instructions The FA first chooses a 4-digit numeric PIN. This PIN is used to login to e-signature. Next, the FA verifies his/her by re-entering it on the “e-Signature Instructions” page (the FA must use an address when the e-Submission and e- Signature method is selected) Doe, John
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 12 e-Signature Instructions After verifying that the information is correct, the FA clicks “Send Message” This send an to the client at the e- mail addressed entered earlier in the ticket
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 13 Obtaining the Client’s e-Signature After clicking the link in the , the client will need to enter the last four digits of his/her social security number to access the forms The client will receive an from the FA that includes a link to the online forms that the client must e-Sign
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 14 Obtaining the Client’s e-Signature (cont’d) The client will follow a series of steps to apply his/her e-Signature At each step in the e-Signature process, the client will have the option to decline the e-Signatures. If this happens, the FA will be notified via
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 15 Obtaining the Client’s e-Signature (cont’d) Once the client applies his/her e-Signature and clicks “Submit to Representative,” the FA will receive a link to the e-Signed forms
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 16 Obtaining the Financial Advisor’s e-Signature Similar to the client, the FA will follow a series of steps to apply or decline his/her e- Signature. Once the FA has applied his/her e-Signature, the Ticket and forms will be submitted to John Hancock for processing
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 17 Viewing Submitted Cases
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. Viewing Submitted Cases Using “View My Cases” allows the FA to review the progress of a Ticket, included outstanding e-Signatures. “View My Cases” can be accessed via the “Intent to Buy” page on JH SalesNet for Edward Jones 18 Cases needing attention will be listed under the “Alerts” section. All other cases will be in the “Cases” section with the case most recently worked on at the top.
FOR AGENT USE ONLY. NOT TO BE USED WITH THE PUBLIC. Where Technology Equals Results. 19 Questions? If you have any questions about Intent-to-Buy, contact the Intent-to-Buy Helpline: Option 1->Option 1->Option 2