Welcome! Strategic Plan Initiatives 2016-17 Reconfiguration.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome! Strategic Plan Initiatives Reconfiguration

Presentation/Forum Refreshments are being provided for you in the cafeteria! Administrators have name tags on to assist you this evening. Main presentation and forum in gymnasium Q and A on overall Reconfiguration in gymnasium, on slides, on Webpage Subsequent meetings and events to come 1 Mill Renewal in March (Levy signs)

Our Vision for Reconfiguration Continued Excellence Greater Equity and Access Opened Exploration

Our Mission To nurture, educate, and graduate life-long learners who are civic-minded and prepared to make ethical decisions; who are confident, competent communicators, skillful in problem-solving, capable of innovative-thinking, passionate about experiencing a global and multicultural society; where they will aspire to achieve their best in whatever they endeavor.

Core Values Each student is valued Every student is to succeed Diversity is embraced Experiences are paramount Fiscal accountability is essential We are all accountable

Elementary Reconfiguration All-Day Kindergarten How did we get to this point and who will benefit? What is the rationale for it to occur? What impacts will it have for students? Who will be the key players? What does it mean for our students, schools, community? Why is it an important step forward? How will it happen?

How will this benefit Curriculum and Instruction for students? (1) Aligned and cohesive instruction and assessment Equitable and accessible curriculum for all Shared Title services & greater efficiency in staff resources and collaborative efforts Stronger focus on 21 st Century Skills Ability to offer more effective academic, gifted, spec. ed, and enrichment programming

How will this benefit Curriculum and Instruction for Students? (2) Greater flexibility for staff for instruction, ideas, support, and sustained student help Articulate data analysis for student learning Consolidated staff professional development Resources - efficiently and equitable allocated Increased focus on early intervention (RTI)

How will this benefit Curriculum and Instruction for students? (3) One grade level transition plan for all students Students are learning and socializing together early in their educational career Fosters better relationships for students/staff Stronger building/community partnerships Equitable experiences for students in all activities, events, facilities, and state/local funding

Logistical Process To Get Here In Depth analysis of all relevant school data involving students, facilities, surveys, proximity, size, busing, projections, etc. Academic programs – current and future Current practices and delivery models Support for all education modalities Resources – texts, materials, furniture Sustainability of all current and future programs for our students

Anticipated Results Strengthened school culture and climate earlier in the educational process Renewed understanding of diversity and perspectives on a variety of issues Better utilization of instructional spaces Autonomy for each building encompassing every student in the community Increased and improved learning Efficient and equitable use of resources Students know all of their peers All-Day, Every-Day Kindergarten

Reconfiguration Building Enrollment BuildingCurrent EnrollmentReconfig. Enroll. Springs Elementary268 (K,1,2)289 (K & 1) Glen Elementary276 (K,1,2)289 (K & 2) Mines Elementary (largest capacity) 362 (3,4,5)425 (3 & 4) North Rd. Elementary295 (3,4,5)218 (5)

Questions and Answers

Is any construction anticipated/required? No major construction projects are tied to the reconfiguration. Walls may be erected or classrooms reconfigured. Future proposals will be investigated to construct a corridor that would connect the library/media room at Mines to the main building.

In what building will my child attend all-day kindergarten? Students will be assigned for all-day kindergarten according to their current residence. We will continue to use East Market Street as the dividing line for Kindergarten enrollment only. Grades 1-5 will be combined into prospectively assigned buildings, regardless of residence.

Are classroom capacities rated for fire protection purposes? All classrooms were evaluated for the intended reconfigured purpose; all codes are being adhered to during the entire process. All classrooms will be inspected by appropriate authorities for final approvals. Buildings are inspected on a regular basis. We will continue to utilize rooms according to the ratings established by the State Fire Marshall and other State and Local Health Agencies.

Do we need to hire more staff? We do not anticipate hiring additional staff to implement the Reconfiguration

Will this assist in creating more opportunities for gifted programs? Yes – by combining resources from our separate buildings, we can begin to initiate discussions on how to increase gifted programming in Howland Schools.

Are inclusive classrooms available at each grade level? Yes - inclusive classrooms are in all buildings at all grade levels

How will we prepare students for the transition to the new buildings? Student visitations Teacher exchange days Grade level articulation days Parent event nights Combined student/parent activities

How will staff be assigned? We honor and adhere to contract protocols Work collaboratively with union leadership Current teaching assignments will be honored as much as possible Transfers to other buildings will occur according to grade level taught or the support staff required to operate appropriately

Do you plan to have art/music come to the K-4 classrooms or will students leave their classrooms? The plan is for all students to have their special classes outside of their regular classrooms, as is the current practice. There might be some cases where the special teacher would prefer to have the class within the regular room.

How many Kindergarten classrooms are there at present and what is the average teacher/student ratio? There are four Kindergarten classrooms. The current teacher/student ratio is 1/19 Historically, the average ratio has been 1/24, but numbers in recent years have decreased due to low Kindergarten enrollment. Average ratios are not anticipated to change

Teacher/Student ratios Grade Level Total Number of students Building A Avg per class Building B Avg per class After reconfiguratio n Kinderg arten approx. 190 (current numbers are only 153) First Gradeapprox Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

Enrollment History K-5 YEARPSKGGR 1GR 2GR 3GR 4GR

Enrollment History 6-12 YEARGR 6GR 7GR 8GR 9GR 10GR 11GR 12OTHER (G23)TOTAL

What will it cost taxpayers? No additional revenue required HCTA is working collaboratively with administration to utilize the teaching resources we currently have by working through the contract protocol to secure educators/positions already in place OAPSE is working collaboratively to assist us in transitioning positions to appropriate areas/buildings for appropriate proportionality

Transportation Changes