Long Beach College Promise Demographics 3 LBUSD LBCC CSULB American Indian or Alaska Native 0.2%0.3%1% Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 12.5%14%22% Black or African American 14.8%15.4%4% Hispanic or Latino 54.9%47.8%36.6% White 14.3%17.2%24% Two or More Races 1.5%3.8%-- None Reported 1.9%1.4%15% Low-Income 68%51.5%48%
Long Beach College Promise Initiatives LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 4 Early Learning Initiative (P-3) Linked Learning/Career Pathways Promise Scholarship Promise Pathways Counseling/Advising Initiative Preferential Local Admissions Beach Pathway/Beach FYE Universal Pre-School Mayor’s Internship Challenge
Long Beach College Promise Systems Change 5 RELATIONSHIP BUILDING: Annual LBCP Faculty Symposium Monthly Steering Committee Meetings POLICY CHANGES: Data Sharing MOUs & Research Team Meetings Required 4 Years of Math in High School/7 th Grade Algebra Multiple Measures Assessment Beach Pathways CSULB Guaranteed Admission PILOTS: Expanding “All-in-One-Day” Matriculation Process Promise Pathways (FYE)/Frontloading Basic Skills 9-12 Flipped Math Classroom 12 th Grade Basic Skills Scheduling
Long Beach Promise Governor’s Innovation Award 6 ACCESS: From 2008 to 2012, 43% increase in LBUSD students enrolling into CSULB as freshmen Higher admissions acceptance rates for LBUSD and LBCC students to CSULB than other k-12 or community colleges PERSISTENCE: LBCP students at CSULB persist at higher rates than peers More students completing transfer-level English (29% ↑) and math (10% ↑) first year of college based on high school performance COMPLETION: 83.5% of LBCC transfer students to CSULB graduate in 6 years 63% of LBUSD freshman graduate from CSULB in 6 years
Long Beach Promise Contacts 7 Long Beach City College Alicia Kruizenga, Interim Dean, Student Affairs Dr. Greg Peterson, Vice President, Student Support Services