Lustrumbijeenkomst 2006 Francis Petel * Wetenschappelijk directeur en Associate professor bij ESCP-EAP * Lid van CGPME in Frankrijk (werkgeversorganisatie voor SME) * Algemeen Directeur van het permanente observatorium van de commerciële functies * Voorzitter van het Beroepskwalificerende Comité van de Europese Marketing Confederatie (EMC)
From EQF to EMQF Two related initiatives Culemborg november the 27th 2006 Francis PETEL MC AEG Chairman CNCP member EU Expert
What is the EQF? EQF is the European Qualifications Framework, future EU recommendation dedicated to the needs of vocational (and professional) education and training in a lifelong learning perspective
Where does EQF come from? The Lisbon strategy: Priority to Lifelong Learning The transparency of qualifications: a tool to address transparency needs Certificate supplement Europass National reference points « The unfamiliarity of the different national systems leaves the prospective employer at loss when it comes to evaluating the applicant’s actual level of skills » White paper on education and training (1995 -p.7-8) The transparency of qualifications: a tool to develop mutual trust
Where does EQF come from? Developed through the Copenhagen process In relations with the Bologna process
Fulfilling the lisbon objectives: towards the knowledge society The bologna process: a framework for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) The copenhagen process: a framework for vocational and professional education and training (VET) General education Mainly initial education Resources Programs Staffing Workload Years as building blocks University/academic Or higher education authorities approach Bachelor >> Master >> Doctorate professional education initial and continuing education learning outcomes lifelong learning informal and non formal learning distance learning competences as building blocks national and sectoral approach European Qualifications framework 8 reference levels
EQF is a meta framework “A meta-framework can be understood as a means of enabling one framework of qualifications to relate to others and subsequently for one qualification to relate to others that are normally located in another framework. The meta-framework aims to create confidence and trust in relating qualifications across countries and sectors.” “It does not carry the functions of detailed equating of specific qualifications one to another or any of the regulatory, legal, wage bargaining and quality assurance functions that are often deemed necessary at national or sectoral level” (EQF consultation document) So, EQF is the relevant umbrella for any national or sectoral vocational or professional qualifications framework based on learning outcomes
EQF Level 1 EQF Level 2 EQF Level 3 EQF Level 4 EQF Level 5 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 8 Qualification Country A Country B Qualification
The Eight EQF Levels Each EQF Reference Level Knowledge Skills Competences “ Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a period of learning ” (CEDEFOP)
Focus on Learning Outcomes EQF Learning Outcomes Non-Formal Learning Formal Learning Informal Learning
What is EMQF? EMQF is the European Marketing Qualifications Framework developed by EMC.
What is EMQF? It is an accreditation scheme for marketing professional organisations, working at national level, directly or through partnership with well known training providers.
What is EMQF? It evaluates and compares local sectoral qualifications belonging to the field of Marketing, Sales and Communications Management with a professional mapping of the profession developed by EMC through a Leonardo pilot project
What is EMQF? It assesses its level against standards and descriptors established through the EU EQF recommandation
What is EMQF? It makes it possible for any local qualification having joined EMQF: To identify the professional outcomes of a qualification LEONARDO CERCOM & EMQF FUNCTIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL MAPPING
What is EMQF? It makes it possible for any local qualification having joined EMQF: To identify the reference level of a specific qualification EQF REFERENCE LEVELS DESCRIPTORS
What is EMQF? It makes it possible for any local qualification having joined EMQF: To be assessed in terms of quality with the same tool as any qualification belonging to a European National or a sectoral framework
EMQF 8 standards I IDENTIFICATION OF TARGETED FUNCTION Accredited qualification should target an activity, or a function, or a family of functions, related to the EMQF mapping of the marketing profession (based on LEONARDO CERCOM) and assessed against its descriptors (occupational standards) II IDENTIFICATION OF TARGETED LEVEL Accredited qualification should target a level of occupation, inside the above identified activity, function, family of functions. This level relates to the DG Education EQF reference level descriptors and is assessed against these descriptors.
EMQF standards III LEARNING OUTCOMES BASED APPROACH Accredited qualification should be based on learning outcomes. Students or trainees should be assessed against learning outcomes. IV REFERENCE TO COMMON MAPPING DESCRIPTORS Learning outcomes used by the accredited qualification should normally match LEONARDO CERCOM descriptors.
EMQF standards V DELIVERY PROCESS TRANSPARENCY Process and organisation of local body in charge of delivering qualification should be described in a transparent way. VI EQUAL ACCESS FOR ALL Candidates to qualification should be equally assessed towards learning outcomes.
EMQF standards VII EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL QUALITY CONTROL Process implemented by accredited qualification should meet quality standards enforced by internal and external quality control. VIII EQF QUALITY STANDARDS External quality control should relate to DG education EQF standards and requirements.
EMQF Leonardo CERCOM functional and occupational mapping EQF reference levels descriptors Michele SERFONTEIN Born March the 5th 1981 in Capetown
Thank you for your attention Visit EMC website Visit CNCP (French National Qualification authority website