very demanding Warm-up Recruitment Fair (Job Market) fierce competition rare opportunity high pressure 单位:万人
Learning Objectives How to Ace a Job Interview 3 Master communicative skills in the job interview 2 Understand how to leave a good first impression 1 Be familiar with the scenes of job interview
1 Case Study 3 Summary Contents
1 Case Study 3 Summary Contents Watch the following two video clips (30 seconds for each) and share your first impression on the two candidates.
Case Study Case 1: Applying for Sales Manager
Case Study Case 2: Applying for Financial Consultant
Case Study What affect your first impression on the two candidates? What is your first impression on the two candidates?
Case Study Case 1: Applying for Sales Manager Case 2: Applying for Financial Consultant What affect your first impression on the two candidates?
Case Study Key Points Drawn From the Case Comparison: Principle of First Impression Appearance Body language Communicative Skills 7 Seconds!
1 Case Study 3 Summary Contents We will discuss: What’s the appropriate appearance in the job interview? What’s the positive body language you could employ in the job interview? What kind of communicative strategy could you use in the job interview?
Discussion Appearance Hair Style (&Make-up) Clothing Accessory Professional Formal & Conservative Clean & Neat
Body Language Make Eye-contact Raise Eyebrows Lean-in Slightly Shake hand Firmly ? ? Stand Tall Smile ? ? ? ? Show confidence, interest, friendliness, cooperativeness, enthusiasm Discussion
Communicative Skills Can you tell us about a time you had to close a particular challenging deal? Discussion I haven’t had one. They’re all easy to me. I close deals all the time.
Discussion Theoretical Basis—Your past behavior is the best indicator of your future behavior. Tell me about a time when… Give me an example of how you… Describe a situation where you… Behavioral Question 行为问题 It doesn't provide enough information or persuasive examples for the interviewer to judge the candidate’s capabilities or inner qualities. 60%-70%
Discussion How to tackle with Behavioral question? STAR Set a Situation Define the Task Describe the Action Highlight the Result S—with a large university in India T—provide language training A—pull off the contract full of technicalities & picky clients R—win the biggest contract
1 Case Study Contents What have we learnt in this class? 3 Summary
Appearance Professional Formal & Conservative Clean & Neat Body Language Six tips of positive body language in the job interview Practice makes perfect! Chances favor the prepared minds! After class Communicative Skills Behavioral question STAR Ace the Job Interview
Task One Finding Errors Work in pairs. Try to find out all the errors in the video 2 which you can download from the public box of this course. Assignment Tasks After Class Task Two Mock Interview Recreate video 2 with your partner and shoot a new video. Please send it to the public box before Next Monday.
Thanks for Your Attention ! 句型 sentence pattern 文化 culture 词汇 words 实践 practice 商务英语实务