Using Assessment Information in Real Time: What Teachers Need to Know and Be Able To Do Margaret Heritage CRESST/UCLA 11 th Annual Maryland Assessment Conference October 20-21, 2011 University of Maryland
Overview A System of Assessment Teacher Knowledge and Skills Teacher Support
Real-time Data Data that are generated and used by teachers and students during the ongoing course of instruction to keep learning moving forward to reach desired goals
A System of Assessment Comprehensive, Coherent, Continuous (NCR, 2001) Student Daily Weekly Unit Quarterly Annually Minute-by- minute
Different levels of granularity needed for different decisions related to student learning
Herman, 2011
Teacher Knowledge and Skills Understand the purpose of the assessment Understand data properties Data analysis skills Fit data into a structure for interpretation Decide on appropriate action to improve learning Post- hoc Data
Nature of Real-time Information Individual Proximately timed Reveal insights into thinking Instructionally tractable REFLEXIVE
Teacher Knowledge and Skills Making pedagogical moves to advance learning Knowledge of likely outcomes/r esponses Real- time Data Formulate/sel ect data gathering opportunities Place in the “rhythm” of teaching and learning Knowledge of a fully-formed understanding /skill
Supporting Teachers: Teacher Knowledge Develop models of how student thinking and skills develop in a discipline/across disciplines Understand barriers, difficulties, common misconceptions and challenges to student learning in a discipline Develop knowledge of what a “good performance” looks like Deepen pedagogical content knowledge Involving students
Supporting Teachers: Resources Provide better descriptions of learning pathways Provide resources that support interpretation and action
Supporting Teachers: Teacher Development