Budgeting in Athletic Training Introduction to Athletic Training
Bell Ringer What is budgeting? What do you budget for?
Types of Budgets Spending Ceiling Budget Set amount of $$ given to athletic trainer Excess spending must be: Spending Ceiling Budget Set amount of $$ given to athletic trainer Based on previous year’s spending Excess spending must be: Justified by A.T.C. Approved by administrator
Types of Budgets Spending Reduction Budget Can the same services be provided with less funding? A.T.C. is asked to decrease spending by x percent.
Types of Budgets Zero – Based Budget A.T.C. must justify every expense ATC must justify every expense without reference to previous years’ spending
Types of Budgets Fixed Budget Program/School must be ________________ I.e. large well established sports medicine clinics Not common in school sports medicine programs Fixed Budget Program/School must be financially stable I.e. large well established sports medicine clinics A.T. projects spending for each month Not common in school sports medicine programs
Types of Budgets Variable Budget Spending is adjusted according to revenue How does it work? Rarely used in schools How does it work? ATC has 10% of total revenue to use for supplies and equipment. If revenue generated is higher ($100,000), the budget will be higher ($10,000). If revenue generated is lower ($50,000) the budget will be smaller ($5,000)
Types of Budgets Lump – Sum Budget Fixed sum of money Athletic trainers must still _______________. Lump – Sum Budget Fixed sum of money Can spend it as and where needed FREEDOM! Athletic trainers must still justify the need.
Types of Budgets Line – Item Budget A.T.C. lists anticipated costs in separate categories Examples? Advantages? Disadvantages? Line – Item Budget A.T.C. lists anticipated costs in separate categories I.e.: expendable supplies (tape, pre-wrap, etc), equipment repair, insurance, etc. Cannot mix funds Advantages – simple, helps maintain control of expenses, helps with organization. Disadvantages – funds cannot be shifted from one category to another, “use it or lose it”
Types of Equipment Capital Equipment Items that are _____________. ____ cost Items are not replaced every year Typically one time expense May cost to be serviced Examples? Capital Equipment Items that are non – consumable High cost Items are not replaced every year Typically one time expense May cost to be serviced Examples – ice machine, e-stim/ultrasound modalities, whirlpool, taping tables
Types of Equipment Expendable Equipment Non – Expendable Equipment Supplies that _____ be re – used Non – Expendable Equipment Expendable Equipment Supplies that cannot be re – used Need to be restocked yearly Non – Expendable Equipment Supplies that CAN be re – used
Assignments 1. Choose one budget style that you would want to use if you were the athletic trainer at a high school. In 6-8 sentences explain why you chose this budget style. What are its advantages? Disadvantages?
Assignments In your group… 2. Generate a list of supplies that you think an athletic training room needs to operate. Include capital, expendable and non – expendable equipment and supplies. 3. Estimate how much you think each supply/piece of equipment will cost (and how many items of each you will need) and give a grand total dollar amount.
Introduction TO Athletic Training Facility Management Introduction TO Athletic Training
Specialized Function Areas Office Taping & Bandaging Rehabilitation Storage Hydrotherapy Private Exam General Treatment Lavatory & Changing (Locker Rooms)
Office Entire facility should be visible from office Should include… Medical files Budget info Insurance info
Taping & Bandaging Usually busiest area Taping table minimum of 36” Location should be? Taping table minimum of 36” Need counter space/storage Type of flooring? Usually busiest area Location should be near entrance to ATR Taping table minimum of 36” Need counter space/storage Type of flooring should be easy to clean, but not slippery like tile
Hydrotherapy Must be physically separated Why? Floor should be sloped towards a drain What is stored in the hydrotherapy area? What type of flooring? Must be physically separated Why? Floor should be sloped towards a drain What is stored in the hydrotherapy area? Coolers, towels Flooring should be tile (non slip!)
General Treatment Needs the most space for… 30 inches between tables Treatment tables E-stim, ultrasound Figure out square footage needed by... 30 inches between tables Needs the most space for: Treatment tables Stim, ultrasound, modalities You figure out square footage required by
Rehabilitation Also requires a lot of space For equipment Should not be in the same area as treatment Use of the weight room? Pros and Cons Flooring type? Also requires a lot of space For equipment Space between areas Open floor space Should not be in the same area as treatment Should still be in athletic training room for supervision Use of the weight room? Pros and Cons Flooring type? Carpet or rubber
Storage Located within ATR Able to be locked Near the ________ area of the ATR Must be able to be kept ________ & ________. Shelving, cupboards
Lavatory & Changing Area If possible in the ATR At least near a bathroom and locker rooms
Private Exam Doesn’t need to be a large area Should contain… Supplies for team physician should be on hand If needed, the private exam area can be combined with the office.
Athletic Training Room Tours Oregon Ducks Athletic Training Room https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR3ZUSB7NBQ Chantilly High School Athletic Training Room http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihDeGVMOAKQ University of New Hampshire Athletic Training Room http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeWEAcBbxig