Online public access catalog in medicine Lívia Vasas 2015.
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Catalogs of Semmelweis University Public catalog Journal catalog atalogue atalogue Online book catalog
Public catalog
Chemie für Mediziner 8., völlig überarb. Aufl How many copies are in the library 4 can be borrowed? 1 where is the loanable book? In „Tűzoltó utca” EOK library
Fotoatlas Neuroanatomie : Präparate, Zeichnungen und Text, 2013 How many copies are in Central Library? 3 „Tüzoltó utca” EOK library: 2
Journal catalog
Nature Publishing Group NPG
Semmelweis University Periodical catalog – advanced search
Questions – Journal Catalog How many - german electronic journals are in gastroenterology? English electronic journals are in gastroenterology?
Online book catalog
Online book catalog The title, beginning with : Differential diagnosis ….” The publisher is: THIEME Who is the author(s): Tsementzis Sotirios A What is the ISBN:
The largest medical cataloge The NLM Catalog provides access to NLM bibliographic data for journals, books, audiovisuals, computer software, electronic resources and other materials
NLM catalog Author(s):Mabey, David Title(s):Principles of medicine in Africa / edited by David Mabey What are the MeSH terms? Africa Public Health Practice Tropical Medicine/methods
WHO publications
WHO C&rpp=20&starts_with=ebo C&rpp=20&starts_with=ebo
Quiz questions What is the proper ISSN number of this journal „Abdominal Imaging”
Quiz - Semmelweis University catalog How many electronic journals can use in English language and „dermatology” subject?
Quiz - Semmelweis University catalog How many electronic journals can use in German language and „ forensic medicine” subject?
Quiz - NLM catalog The authors: Kellermayer, M Hazlewood, C etc Publisher:Budapest : Akadémiai Kiadó, Title(s):The Physical aspect of the living cell What is the publication type and NLM ID? Article true or or false? true false
Quiz - NLM catalog How many electronic journals can use in English language and „dermatology” subject?
Quiz – NPG /Semmelweis catalog Which is the oldest issue, what you can read online in „Nature Cell Biology?
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