Office Mix Final project slideshow By. Dwayne Williams Jr 06/20/2016
Differentiate between the generalist and specialist concepts of law enforcement activities. o Specialist groups are meant to only handle the specific types of problems and cases. o Now with the specialist group of law enforcement is said to save money and even put of better training and more reliable officers. o Generalist they are the everyday regular law enforcement that patrols certain area and trains for only the basic of calls.
Compare and contrast the various types or patrol techniques o Crime prevention - pro-active deterrence Law Enforcement - reactive deterrence Order Maintenance - security Social Services - community welfare all are types of patrols but mean very specific terms. o officers can be on foot patrolling the area or on a motorcycle. o Then there’s is the highly dreaded traffic enforcement.
What elements are included in an effective written police report? o There must paper work for every type of incident and occasion the date and time of incident. o False police reports are illegal and can put someone in jail fast false information is not allowed only facts must be written and documented o. The police officer is responsible for knowing the different types of crimes and applying the applicable crimes in the report.
Explain the importance of establishing good rapport with citizens. o It’s important to keep good rapport with all citizens because image is key in law enforcement. o. If all law enforcement looks bad and crummy then people wouldn’t trust them and would not respect them also might have a feud against law enforcement o yes you get you occasional nice person and nothing happens but. For example if an officer has to handle a problem with deadly force then they look bad for protecting themselves and or the people around them.
What are the proper procedures for responding to media inquiries? o Media injuries must be handled very carefully and many things can go wrong with them and officers must be cautious o all information that is taken from the crime scene must stay in file only and nothing is ever “off the record.” Anything you say could be quoted. o Avoid sharing “off the record” or “background” information if you do not wish for such information to be published or attributed to you.
What is the value of making presentations to citizen groups? o Presentations are a huge ordeal on giving information out to the public and they can let go of a lot of information in these group presentations. o From statistic gathered over the years or week to talking about major attacks and possible terrorist incidents. o But presentations can be used during normal everyday uses to review an area and talk about incidents that have happened and see how things can be improved.
Describe effective oral communication techniques. Oral communication is the key component of law enforcement or even the criminal justice system. By the very nature of their work, police officers communicate with people from a wide variety of backgrounds, attitudes, and preconceptions. because communication is trust and call will be made while you’re an officer and to be trusted to respond is a big ordeal Officer has certain calls that must be made to verify a problem or a situation and handle it the correct way.