CONNECTED CHURCH Brethren in Christ Church Zambia
Who here is tired?
Beauty was tired. She is 11 and lives in Zambia. She used to often fall asleep in school or lose concentration. She was tired because before school she would walk miles to get water for her family.
Her nearest borehole was at a secondary school a few miles away. Beauty wasn’t really meant to use it, so sometimes the school staff would chase her away and she would have to go even further to collect water.
Then Tearfund partner BICCZ dug a borehole in Beauty’s village. Now she can draw water just outside her house. Her whole family’s life is easier - they can use as much water as they need now!
‘I have even started performing well in school. I no longer get tired like I used to before the borehole was drilled in our community.’ Beauty
PRAYER Pray for Beauty, that she continues to do well in her studies Thank God for the transformation that clean water brings to a community! Ask for provision to drill many more boreholes.