Texture Form Color Shape Space Value Line The Elements of Art…
The Fat Cat Sang Songs Very Loudly
The path of a moving point at the edge of a flat shape, or outline of a solid object.
It could also be called the shortest distance between two points or a “dot” that went for a walk. Pablo Picasso “Light Drawing” 1949
Picasso “Dog” 1954
Shape is a two-dimensional area made by connecting lines that establish the contour of an object. Shapes may be organic or geometric. Shapes may stand out also by a difference of value, color, or texture.
Picasso “Bull” 1958
The character of a surface created by the response of vision to the wavelength of light reflections. Color is typically categorized into warm, cool, primary, secondary, intermediate, analogous, and complementary color schemes.
Color Affects MOOD Picasso “The Old Guitarist” 1903
Picasso “Girl Before a Mirror” 1932
Picasso “Still Life with Bull’s head” 1947
Notice how the lack of color changes the mood?
The appearance of lights and darks found in a work of art. These range from black to white with numerous shades of gray in between.
Picasso “Guernica” 1937
The roughness or smoothness of a surface. Texture can be real, tactile(sandpaper), or illusion (looks soft, but not).
Picasso “Goat Skull with bottle” 1932
The three dimensional projection of a shape, it has volume, dimension, appears to have mass. This element is frequently used in sculpture.
Picasso “The Bull” 1945 Actual Three Dimensional Form
Picasso “Maid” 1933 Implied Three Dimensional Form
Interval of measurable distance between pre-established points. Picasso Sculpture in Daley Plaza Chicago, Illinois, 1967
Work cited page Pablo Picasso “Light Drawing” with-light/&docid=k_hYMTGa6eYStM&imgurl= nO42m8gSF34CAAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=214&sig= &page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=146&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0,i:85&tx=10&ty=131 Picasso “dog” html&docid=AQ5c4rM8Nw_Y3M&imgurl= 018_MT2002_g.jpg&w=400&h=305&ei=2j8ZUKr4F5Gy8QSQ74CwCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=369&sig= &page=1&tbnh=125&tbnw=178&start=0&ndsp=19 &ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:73&tx=143&ty=40 Picasso “bull” arena-young-man- killing.html&docid=0INPjaw087bBjM&imgurl= 252Bof%25252Bthe%25252Bminotaurs%25252B1958.jpg&w=310&h=400&ei=KkAZULjfDYX28wS- qoDQDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=366&sig= &page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=107&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:92&tx=53&ty=50:6,s:0,i:92&tx=53&ty=50 Picasso “the old guitarist” guitarist.jsp&docid=3JlvvZjPT7plUM&imgurl= guitarist.jpg&w=997&h=1500&ei=mUAZUMPFO4j49QSruYHYAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=464&sig= &page=1&tbnh=155&tbnw=99&start=0&ndsp=15&ved =1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:79&tx=64&ty=78 Picasso “Girl before mirror” mind/&docid=UxjN6gHIwz1dBM&imgurl= hovh=252&hovw=200&tx=87&ty=146&sig= &page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=105&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:73 Picasso “still life with bull’s head” ebPBnM:&imgrefurl= jpg&w=136&h=170&ei=y0EZUPetJpSu8QSuxoCIAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=390&sig= &page=1&tbnh=123&tbnw=97&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r :0,s:0,i:76&tx=8&ty=61 Picasso “guernica” url= IHQAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=471&sig= &page=1&tbnh=72&tbnw=163&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:100&tx=100&ty=18 Picasso “goat skull with bottle” 1932