By: Christian
The Author Trenton Lee Stewart
Reynard “ Reynie” Muldoon Reynie is a smart kid He needs a special tutor Miss Perumal Good in patterns Good at using Logic to solve problems Finding the MBS is the best thing that happens to him. One of the Protagonist or main character.
Katie Weatherall “The great Kate Weatherall machine” She was abandoned. Very handy, strong, and flexible, and agile Miligans her father apparently Carrys a red buket with tools Measures distance mentally Worked in circus
George ”Sticky’ Washington Bald, VERY intelligent, photographic memory, speed reader, smart as 2 collage professor Ran away from parents because parents were taking advantage of him Stowed away on a river barge to get to stowntown. Nervous, will clean spectacles when nervous.
Constance Contraire Toddler 2-3 years old very hungry very small stubborn creative immune to whisperer. hiding and living in a library.
Mr.Benedict Twin of Mr.Curtain Good person Has narcolepsy at laughing Very smart First name Nicholas Rhonda Kazembe- clever in disguses #2- looks like pencil, eats a lot, cranky Miligan w.- sad, strong, katies father, security, brain washed
Bad people Mr. Curtain- Pure Evil, lost twin, Ledthropa curtain, huge glasses, wheel chair, has narcolepsy when angry. Jackson and Jillson- Executive, Jackson-strong, stocky, pointy nose, red hair, Brother?, Sister? Jillson- Arms like thor’s hammer! S.Q. Pedalian- dim witted, huge feet Martina Crowe- Teenager, messenger and executive, cruel!