LE1-C3S2T4pg123-133 Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse.


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Presentation transcript:

LE1-C3S2T4pg Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse

Purpose This lesson discusses the use and effects of drugs and alcohol.

1. Identify the medical uses of various drugs (amphetamines, methamphetamines, barbiturates, inhalants, and Rohypnol). 2. Identify the warning signs of drug abuse. 3. Identify the effects of the abusive use of various drugs on the human body.

CPS Key Word Questions (1-5)

 Addiction  Euphoria  Hallucination  ________ – the condition of taking harmful drugs and being unable to stop taking them.  ________ – a feeling of intense happiness and excitement.  ___________ – something that is not real that a person sees because they are ill or have taken a drug.

 Paranoia  Psychosis  _______ – when someone believes that others are trying to harm them.  ________ – a severe mental illness which can make people lose contact with reality.

CPS Lesson Questions (1-2)

Have you ever known someone that you suspected of having a drug or alcohol problem? A.Yes. It was pretty severe. B.Yes, but they seemed to still be able to function pretty well. C.Yes – I actually tried to give them some help. D.No – I have not known anyone with this problem (yet).

True or False: A drug is any substance taken into the body that changes how the body functions, whether mentally or physically. A.True B.False

List 2-3 behaviors that someone who abuses drugs may show. (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)

 Medications are used for the prevention and treatment of a disease.  Whether a drug is legal or illegal is no indication that a drug is addictive.

 Use – Taking a ____ drug recommended or prescribed for medical reasons.  Misuse – Taking a legal drug for medical reasons but not as _________.  Abuse – Taking a legal or illegal drug for a non-medical reason in a way that can injure your health or ability to function. legal prescribed

 Some people try drugs out of curiosity, as an act of rebellion, or peer pressure.  Many people take drugs to avoid problems. But when the effects of the drug wear off, their problems return, causing them to take the drug again.

CPS Lesson Question (3)

Example: Is the following an example of drug use, misuse, or abuse? “Ryan was prescribed a drug to help with pains in his knees. He takes the drug exactly as the doctor has prescribed.” A.Use B.Misuse C.Abuse

 Dilated pupils, nosebleeds, hyperactivity, memory loss, anxiety, lying, and paranoia are all signs of drug abuse.  If you know someone who is showing these signs, it may be an indication of drug abuse.  Expressing concerns and asking questions is the best way to get a person to confide in you.

 Indicators of an early alcoholic situation include cannot control drinking, other people saying you drink too much, being in trouble with the law, and your doctor telling you drinking is affecting your health.  There is evidence that alcoholism can be _________.  Symptoms of alcohol abuse include hangovers, blackouts, fatigue, illness, or conflict. hereditary

 Believe in yourself.  Practice saying no before you are actually in a situation where someone offers you drugs.  Fill your life with activities and people you enjoy.  Remember that drugs do not solve problem. They create them.

CPS Lesson Question (4)

Which of the following are things you can do to remain drug free? A.Believe in yourself. B.Hang around people who abuse drugs. C.Think about the consequences of doing drugs. D.Both A and C are correct.

List the 2-3 ways you can avoid drug and alcohol abuse. (Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)

Images in this lesson were taken from:  Microsoft © Clip Art Gallery  Marine Corps Combat Camera LE1-C3S2T8