Welcome to Back to School Night! SCIS - ECE ~Kindergarten~ Wednesday, August 19 th, 2015 Ms.Peláez & Ms. Li’s Kindergarten Class
Our Day Arrival & Morning Choices Morning Meeting – Circle Time Word Study/Handwriting Recess & Snack Writing Workshop World Languages (Mandarin / Dutch) Recess & Lunch Reading Workshop Inquiry Specialist Classes (PE, Music or Library) Math Centers Dismissal
Morning Arrival Children arrive 8:10-8:30am Unpack bag Take out their snack, water bottle and communication folder Pick a book or game to share with a friend The morning routine helps children with the transition from home to school and promotes positive interaction with others.
Morning Meeting Children gather on the rug to: Greet one another Build community Review today’s schedule Complete calendar math
Word Study and Handwriting Word Study -An approach to spelling instruction -Explore phonemic awareness, letters and sounds, reading words and early reading concepts Handwriting (Handwriting Without Tears Program) -An approach to help students develop consistent habits in forming upper and lower case letters -Uses common language (i.e. big line, little line, big curve, little curve)
Recess (Morning and Lunch) 15 to 20 minutes of outdoor time twice a day Recess is usually outside except for Wednesday mornings when we visit the indoor playroom Recess is held inside when it is a rainy or poor air quality day Recess gives children opportunities to interact with other Kindergarten students, develop their gross motor skills and learn social skills.
Literacy Reading Concepts of Print Decoding & Word Recognition Reading Comprehension Comprehension & Analysis of Grade- Level Appropriate Text Concepts in Kindergarten : Writing Handwriting & Word Study Ideas & Context Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation
Reading and Writing Workshop Begin with group lesson Practice implementing lesson with active engagement Link lesson to independent reading/writing time Teacher conferences and mini-lessons done individually or in small groups Share and review lesson goals at the end The workshop approach enables students to achieve success through a consistent routine. New concepts are introduced and scaffolded through guided practice.
Inquiry: Science and Social Studies Concepts in Kindergarten: Communities (SS) Natural Resources (Science) Cultural Awareness (SS) From Farm to Table (SS) Healthy Choices (Science) Life Cycle of Animals (Science)
Centre Time Arts and Crafts (i.e. paint, crayons, markers, colored pencils, oil pastels) Children develop social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills through center time. Fine Motor Skills (i.e. buttons, play dough, cards, Lego, various writing tools) Math Activities (i.e. file folder and computer games, linking chains, Unifix cubes, pattern blocks, puzzles) Literacy Activities (i.e. alphabet games, puzzles, computer games, magnetic letters) Dramatic Play Activities (i.e. kitchen centre, tools centre, castle, costumes, stuffed animals)
Specialist Subjects Children develop their multiple intelligences by participating in these classes. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 10: :00 Mandarin ~Various Levels 10: :00 Mandarin ~Various Levels 10: :00 Mandarin ~Various Levels 10: :00 Mandarin ~Various Levels 10: :00 Mandarin ~Various Levels 1:00 – 1:40 Music ~Ms. Babb 2:30 – 2:55 Library ~Ms. Keller (return books) 1:00 - 1:40 P.E. ~Mr. Roselle (P.E. shoes) 1:00 – 1:40 Music ~Ms. Babb 1:00 – 1:40 P.E ~Mr. Roselle (P.E. shoes)
Math : Every Day Math Concepts in Kindergarten: Counting and cardinality Operations and algebraic thinking Measuring and data Geometry Data Management & Graphing Number and operations Base 10
Communication Communication Folder - please keep all the work sent home Blog : events – announcements – photos The blog will be updated every FRIDAY I will try my very best to get to you by the end of that school day, or 24 hours at the Report Card (Quarterly written progress reports) Conferences (Fall & Spring) Ongoing Electronic Portfolio Sharing Book
Transportation Procedure the transportation coordinator, Angela Hu at his.org and CC me at his.org if there are any changes one day in his.org
Parent Involvement Our room parent will help us organize special activities and celebrations for our class Guest readers are welcome! Children are read to everyday at 9:25 during snack time.
Homework Read to your child every day in your home language for at least 20 minutes Calendar homework - optional
Birthdays During the school year, each child on the day closest to their birthday, will have the Happy Birthday sung to them by the class. Parents that you would like to celebrate can do so. Birthday celebrations at school are simple and short. By school policy, birthday gift bags, candy, toys, balloons, hats, or party favors are not allowed. Please contact me in advance to set a date for the celebration.
Thanks for coming!