DESTINY LIBRARY CATALOG The Library Catalog is now online! Research is suddenly easier and quicker. You can create book lists, put titles on hold, see what books are popular, see new titles that have been added to the library, etc.
DESTINY is the Media Center’s web-based library catalog. It is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. Go to: Click on your school’s name. Click on the tab for “Catalog”
You may now search by Title, Author, Keyword, Subject, etc. Here’s a search for “Over the Edge.”
If you click on the book cover, you can peek inside and see a summary, book reviews, a sample page, etc.
Login to use special features. When you’re on the Search page, click on “Login” in the upper right corner.
Login with your network username and password.
Now you can put a HOLD on a title by clicking on “Hold It.” The librarian will get a message that you want this book reserved for you. When the book is available you will be notified. If it happens to be on the shelf it will tell you that right away.
Power Searching Click on the tab for “Power” and you can narrow your search down by using Boolean search terms.
Visual Search Click on the “Visual” tab to search by categories depicted by pictures.
Copy Categories Click on “Copy Categories” to see groups of books. Click on “View” to see all the titles in each category.
Compiling Resource Lists When you are logged into your account you can create and save Resource Lists. Before you add titles to a list you need to create and name a list. Click on “Resource Lists” on the left sidebar. Click on “Add List” to make a new list.
Checking Your Library Account Status Click on the “My Info” tab to see details about your account. It will show you checked out items, overdue materials, hold titles, etc. You can also find the Resource Lists you prepared.
Click on “Destiny Quest” to see a different catalog format.
Destiny Quest enables you to not only search the catalog but to also see what new titles have been added, which titles have been checked out recently, etc.
Click on the Art Theme button in the upper right corner. You can choose your own screen design.
Destiny is easy to use! Remember to use Destiny for your research and leisure reading needs from your home, the public library, anywhere you have Internet access. Contact your Media Specialist if you have any questions! Created by Reggie Buresh 4/10