Records Coordinator Roles and Records Skills Kathryn Dan
Local Records Coordinator roles LRC A Small, single focus, single location Division already using central records system Dedicated role or in combination with other administrative role Local coordination and referral point Initial contact point for records and TRIM questions Induct new staff in records management Liaise with Records Services about new or changed procedures Ongoing records management tasks for Division (registration, scanning, searching TRIM / filing, maintaining hard copy systems) LRC B Larger or more complex Division needing a more strategic coordination role Likely to be shared role, may be several people across geographic locations Local expert identifying local issues and liaising with Records Services to develop solutions Staff induction and review of local procedures in consultation with Records Services First contact point where TRIM used Guidance point for the Division – actual records management tasks devolved LRC C Large, diverse Budget Division Dedicated role Strategic oversight of records projects and development of capacity in the Division Records management skills - qualifications and/or experience in the profession Coordinate with Records Services to instigate records system implementation projects, develop procedures, evaluate and improve divisional records management Undertake staff induction and provide local expertise Operate with some autonomy
Common elements for all models Local contact – first point of advice on records management practice Regular inspection of the workplace Ensure confidential records managed securely (both electronic and paper) Ensure disposal program in place Where TRIM available – be a local advocate
Things records managers might do Formulate records management policy and procedures Develop and implement records management systems Prepare and implement retention and disposal authorities Develop control systems for records (eg classification) Classify, register and track records Manage access to records (security framework, access approvals and search services) Manage storage of records (hard copy and electronic) Monitor and assess recordkeeping against standards Train other in records management principles, systems and techniques
Things a Local Records Coordinator might do Attend LRC meetings and workshops Conduct an assessment of records management in the division or selected part of the division Review local induction processes to include records management information Survey storage areas Prepare a set of disaster recovery resources (plan, contact details, useful materials) Start a disposal program Review control of records on your network drive Document local procedures Make a presentation to raise awareness of records management in your Division (Records Services staff can assist) Attend a TRIM training course … and so on
Work in groups to discuss … An objective for a personal development plan Statement of responsibility for a PD
Resources of interest State Records NSW ‘Who manages records?’ ent-recordkeeping-manual/introduction/records-and- recordkeeping/who-manages-records Statement of Knowledge for Recordkeeping Professionals, including Tasks Competencies and Salaries for Recordkeeping Professionals development/statement-of-knowledge/
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