DUAL CREDIT You have 10 minutes to study and then we are taking our stems quiz! 5 th period – meet in the auditorium for the One Act play
AP LANGUAGE Come in and sit down quickly, we need to fill out some information for our AP test. Make sure that you have a No. 2 pencil. Please turn in your argument essay before you leave class!
DUAL CREDIT We are going to talk through the next several chapters of the Bradford Researcher. You will have the rest of class to look over your research and work on your draft
AP LANGUAGE Today, we are going to do some in depth work on a synthesis essay. Tomorrow & Thursday you are going to write an essay in a timed write situation. I will provide you with some examples and scores. You will need to pick your best essay and turn it in to me on Tuesday. Friday, don’t forget, you have a stems quiz
DUAL CREDIT Copy stems list #75 – just to make sure you have it right! Work on your essay draft – conference with Ms. Vesely on your essay and progress
AP LANG No Do Now today 40 minute synthesis timed write Don’t forget to pick one of your timed writes from this week to revise and edit and turn in on Tuesday!
Sentence Pattern: I, C, K, M, A Answer the prompt using the above sentence pattern. 4/21/16 Identity
DUAL CREDIT Sentence Variation Work on your essay draft – conference with Ms. Vesely on your essay and progress
AP LANG No Do Now today 40 minute synthesis timed write Don’t forget to pick one of your timed writes from this week to revise and edit and turn in on Tuesday!
FUN FRIDAY If you found yourself in Oz, what would you differently than Dorothy? Name something that you wish had a remote control that currently does not. Talk about your favorite pair of shoes and why you love them so much. Outline a “mission statement” for your life. Do you think dinosaurs and humans could coexist today? What would make that possible or impossible?
DUAL CREDIT Fun Friday Let’s get in our Novel Groups and discuss the nonfiction books that we have read. You may begin answering your discussion board questions. Work on your essay draft – conference with Ms. Vesely on your essay and progress
AP LANG You have 10 minutes to review your stems words! Stems Quiz #74 Don’t forget to pick one of your timed writes from this week to revise and edit and turn in on Tuesday!