Franks in the Sixth Century: - first Germanic tribe to convert to Christianity - will develop into a divine monarchy, challenging Byzantium - developed economic centers in rural manors, providing food, clothing and supplies for the populace and for the army - churches developed widely in these manors and were isolated from the Roman papacy - Kings set aside clerical elections and began appointing their own bishops - manor churches began acquiring land and power, becoming the centers of life
Developments in the 6th Century Church: - vocal, monophonic singing became standard; no instruments - focus on art with Christian topics, as pagan art receeded - appearance of mosaic Christian art, derived from ancient Roman technique
Saint John Climacus (~ ): - became a monk on Mount Sinai at 16 - lived as a hermit for 20 years - wrote The Ladder of Divine Ascent - which quickly became one of the most beloved Christian books and one of the most widely-read among Orthodox Christians today - feast day March 30; also celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent
Emperor Justinian the Great ( ): - “the Emperor who never sleeps” & wife Theodora were committed to unifying the Empire & reuniting Orthodox & Monophysites -surrounded himself with individuals of extraordinary talent, based upon merit, not aristocratic origin -considered it his divine duty to restore the Empire to its ancient boundaries - believed that unity of the Empire presupposed unity of the Faith, which must be Nicene Orthodoxy - appointed Belisarius as general, who defeated several Germanic tribes and retook Rome
Emperor Justinian the Great ( ): - 529: Council of Orange affirms Augustinian doctrine of original sin - 532: Monophysite leaders attempt to persuade Justinian - 534: Belisarius to North Africa; Vandals destroyed - 536: published code of laws, basis of legal systems today - 537: completed rebuilding of Hagia Sophia - 542: commissioned John of Ephesus to convert all pagans remaining in Asia Minor, by force if necessary - 543: published “The Three Heads” against Origenism and Nestorianism, and “Confession of Faith” affirming authority of first 4 Ecumenical Councils ~550: prohibited elevation of married bishops and restricted the episcopate to unmarried or widowed - 553: called for the 5th Ecumenical Council
The Fifth Ecumenical Council (553, Constantinople): - attended by Patriarchs of Antioch, Alexandria Constant. and delegate from Jerusalem. Patriarch Vigilius of Rome refused to attend - Vigilius deposed (but agreed with Council 6 months later) - Justinian’s “The Three Heads” adopted - Authority of first 4 Councils affirmed - Cyril’s theology affirmed - Twelve anathemas aganst Nestorius adopted - 2 natures of Christ understood as 2 attributes in single person
The Fifth Ecumenical Council (553, Constantinople): - Council’s decisions accepted throughout Chalcedonian East - Justinian began exiling non-Chalcedonian bishops - Monophysites rejected Council; schism became permanent - each side hoped for conversion of the other, but schism developed between Syrian and Egyptian Monophysites - Monophysites lost control of Egypt and Alexandria until Muslim conquest in 646
Emperor Justinian the Great ( ): - 554: Justinian restored Roman rule in Italy; bishops began supervising civil, educational and financial systems - 554: plague had reduced Empire’s population by 1/3. Roman Church had to supply food to population, army -557: completed monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai, where God had spoken to Moses from burning bush - 563: established mission in Northern Scotland under Patrick. Hadrian’s wall and Great Britain abandoned to Angles and Saxons - 568: Lombards invaded and took Italy - 589: Nicene Visigothic King Recared inserted filioque in Creed at Council of Toledo
Gregory the Great of Rome: - 573: resigned as governor, turned home into monastery - 579: ordained deacon, ambassador to Constantinople 7 years - 590: accepted papacy, first monk to become Bishop of Rome - strengthened clergy and churches, emphasized mercy to the sick and poor - personally cooked for the poor - “Anyone aspiring to be a universal bishop is playing the role of the antichrist.” - improved relationships with Byzantium, Angles and Saxons - used “Servant of the servants of God” as a papal title - compiled the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts - 597: through his efforts King Oswy of England placed England under Roman obedience, thus aligning England with Roman catholicism